Page 15 - Our Hands Spring 2020
P. 15

Giving Hope Capital Campaign                                             Giving Hope Capital Campaign

 West Region - $3.55M

 Funding Opportunity #1
 Grand Rapids Affordable Living Campus
 The Grand Rapids Affordable Living campus repurposes the beautiful
 St. Joseph Seminary building located at 600 Burton St SE. Preserving a
 historical brick and stone exterior, each floor will be completely redone
 to include 52 residences for seniors and persons with disabilities.
 Givers to the Giving Hope campaign can name the building,
 common areas and features on the beautiful grounds.

 a  St Joseph Building Name - $1,000,000
 EnhanCing sErviCE dElivEry
 a  Community Space - $50,000
 a  Lobby - $50,000
 and Expanding prograM  Program Impact:  52 units of affordable housing;   Monday-Friday can access extra, shelf-stable food. This
 a  Landscaping- $50,000s
                   The Samaritas Community Center in Saginaw provides
                   a safe haven for children in challenging neighborhoods.
      including 6 for persons with disabilities.
                                                                        pantry will provide families food to take home with
                   For generations, and today, children are welcomed after   them for the weekend and include bulk food giveaways
                   school to focus on homework and safe extracurricular   when children are out of school for extended periods,
 Samaritas is in the midst of our Giving Hope capital campaign, which will help us grow, expand and    activities. Families are welcomed in the evenings for a   including long weekends and holiday breaks.
 improve our ability to serve the most vulnerable populations, including children, seniors, homeless   hot meal. Adolescents and young
 families, low income families and seniors, people with disabilities and refugees. We are grateful for    adults find safety during the   The Giving Hope Campaign
 the opportunity to share our vision with you.                                          will provide funding and service
                   day, along with guidance toward
                   education and job placement (please                                  partnerships to interrupt the cycle of
                   see more about our Get to Work                                       poverty by helping children stay safe,
                   program, in partnership with one                                     engaged and growing with services
                   of our Community Champions,                                          before and after school - taking our
 WEST MICHIGAN     the Bavarian Inn in Frankenmuth,                                     Community Center to a new level
 Funding Opportunity #2  on page 7), as well as building the                            of development with an educational
                   courage to stay away from the lure of
 CAMPUS EXPANSION  Samaritas West Headquarters  a  Gymnasium Name - $1,000,000          component.
                   local gangs.
 OFFICE CONSOLIDATION  Situated behind the St. Joseph Seminary building on the Affordable   a  Program Groups (5) - $250,000  Samaritas is taking a leadership role
                   Currently our Saginaw Community
 Our St. Joseph seminary campus renovation and expansion   Living campus, the Gymnasium’s open floor plan creates opportu-  a  Conference (2) - $50,000  in developing a year-round, Pre-K -
 in Grand Rapids will provide an innovative space where we   nities for collaborative office design, welcoming reception, and a life   Center runs the Nutrition for Neighbors community   8th grade charter school in South Saginaw, in one of its
                   food program.  Additional funding will create a food
 can create a continuum for our child and family services,   giving work environment. The Gymnasium brings together Foster   a  Meeting (8) - $10,000  most impoverished neighborhoods with schools that are
                   pantry to enable Samaritas to expand the support we
 including both our family preservation services, where we   care, Adoption, New American Services, In Home Care and   a  Reception - $50,000  ranked among the lowest academic achievement scores
 work tirelessly to keep kids from entering foster care, and   Behavioral Health staff. Givers to the Giving Hope Campaign can   offer to the community now and as the COVID-19   in Michigan. With your help, we can provide a high
                   crisis begins to subside.  A pantry will enable youth in
 our new substance use disorder treatment services.    name the building, the program group offices, meeting and   a  Landscaping - $50,000  quality education, enriched by our Community Center
                                                                        after school wraparound services that promote academic
 This campus expansion and office consolidation means we   conference spaces and reception.   our programs who do not have food beyond what they   success and job readiness.
 can increase access to medical and educational resources for
 our New Americans, and hold meetings and job training   Program Impact:  Enhanced service delivery for foster care, adoption, behavioral health, refugee services and home health care.
 classes for refugees learning new skills and assimilating into   Provide training for hundreds of staff.
 the community.
                                                             Contact Joel Lautenbach or DeeDee McVety for more information
 We will also be able to provide a beautiful new home for    about how you can make a lasting impact on so many lives through
 low income seniors and people with disabilities with 53   2000 32nd St SE  Giving HOPE  our capital campaign.
 affordable living apartments, built right on the campus.    Connect. Empower. Transform  Grand Rapids, MI 49508  A S AMARIT AS C AMP AIGN  Joel: (616) 916-0575 or
                                                             DeeDee: (248) 953-1944 or

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