Page 11 - Our Hands Spring 2020
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COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS                                                         COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS

 CHRISTMAS    It ‘twas truly the season of giving and Christmas Wish was in full swing with an outpouring of generosity
 from our community and corporate partners across the state! To learn how you can get involved with our
 WISH    Christmas Wish program, contact Lauren Brosch at   DEWITT
 We are so grateful for Foley & Lardner   The Bloomfield Hills High School Boys Varsity   MAKE AN
 LLP in Detroit! Their generous donations   Basketball team joined our seniors at Samaritas   IMPACT
 brought big smiles to so many of our   Senior Living of Bloomfield Hills on Martin
 foster youth and refugee children as   Luther King, Jr. Day for a day of service. The boys   BY KAYLA PARK
 they supplied loads of gifts for Christmas   indulged in an ice cream social by scooping and
 AND created a festive space in our Foster   serving up ice cream, socializing and enjoying
 Care visitation rooms!  the company of our residents bringing younger
 and older generations together.
            While Samaritas relies a great deal on foster   blankets to refugee children and request   extra money, they collected games, such as
 OLD NATIONAL BANK   homes to help care for the young refugees   donations to support their cause. They ended up   puzzles and cards, to give children a fun way to
 Right before the holidays, our friends at Old   we serve, you don’t have to own a home to   raising a whopping $600 from family, friends, and   spend time with their new foster families while
 National Bank dropped off a truck load of   make a difference in the life of a child. In fact,   the community!   still learning English. They were also able to
 presents for a family in preservation. This family   you don’t even need to be out of school — as   Next, the girls hit the stores to dig up the best   purchase some gift cards to help foster families
 had lost almost all of the contents of their home   demonstrated by Madison, Hailey, and Lauren,   deals on materials, and then spent a total of 3   fill some of those immediate “new placement”
 due to a disaster. The employees of Old National   8th grade students of Dewitt Junior High School,   days together making blankets for kids in refugee   needs.
 Bank collected housewares, linens, and much   whose health class challenged them with   foster care. They were joined in blanket-making   After all of their work, these girls not only got a
 more helping this family through a touch situation   the assignment of making an impact on the   by a 5th grade class from Herbison Woods   hard-earned 100% on their project — they also
 making their holidays feel a lot brighter.   community. Lauren, whose mother works at   Elementary School — showing how different   provided a voice of welcome, love, and support to
            Samaritas Refugee Youth Services, knew exactly   groups in a community can come together to   refugee youth from around the world, showing us
            where to go to fill a great need.
                                                   support a single cause!                all what it means to “Be the Rock!”
            The three girls decided to donate hand-made   After hitting their blanket goal, they still had   A home cooked meal also was provided to the
            blankets for the transitional foster children   plenty of money left over. The girls’ shopping   foster youth at the ILP home on Christmas day,
            coming through Samaritas’ program. But, as   seemed blessed by good deals, stretching their   which was fun and memorable for all involved.
            with everything in life, this goal required money   donation further than they could have expected
            — money these girls didn’t have. So they took   (a “loaves and fishes” kind of situation). With the
            to Facebook to announce their desire to supply

                                                                                     MITCH ALBUM – JANUARY SERIES
                                                                                     Samaritas Nation was proud to underwrite Mitch Albom’s
                                                                                     lecture about his latest book, “Finding Chika,” at Calvin
 MEDTEST DX  CHEMICAL CARES DAY                                                      University’s January Series in Grand Rapids! It was a full
 MedTest Dx spread their ripples in a BIG way and supported The Samaritas Family Center with an   Over 20 volunteers from Chemical Bank Business   house, with over 40 friends from Samaritas. We shared
 employee toy drive during their staff Christmas party!                              tears and laughter as Mitch spoke to some of his favorite
 Client Services in Troy, Michigan volunteered
 their time at multiple Samaritas locations for a                                    lessons he learned from his adopted daughter Chika.
 Thrivent Financial   CHEMICAL BANK  spectacular Fall Clean Up!! They organized a new   Children change our notion of time, they give us a sense
 Koine Advisor Group  Chemical Bank   Wish Room for foster youth and families, raked   of wonder. Family is what you are born with but family is
 A huge thank you   generosity continues   leaves, pulled weeds and planted the seeds for a   also what you create. Foster families, adoptive families,
 to Thrivent Financial   to grow. The Business   spring bloom at our ILP homes.      blended families; family is bigger than you think.
 and the Koine Advisor   Client services group
 Group for mastering a   hosted a winter coat and           “One of our Samaritas team members, Jackie Perry, recently saw a local doctor and
 60-day challenge to   boot drive, volunteered            during her visit she proudly shared with him where she worked. Well I received a call from
 its members to shop   by sorting gifts during           Dr. Bruce Ruben on Friday who shared that information and that as part of his faith he saves
 for the kiddos and   Operation Good Cheer               $20 a day and when it gets to $840 he gives it away to bless someone else and he’s selected
 families in our care   and provided loads of           the Family Center as the recipient. Additionally, he and his daughter (who is also a doctor) came
 this Christmas. So   gifts to support our all of       yesterday to drop off the donation and also served dinner to our families! My team said that he
 many gifts spreading   our foster care programs!          was very moved about the work we do here and promises to continue working with us!
 so much joy!  You guys rock!!!  MISSION 14 –                        I think the very nature of this is just beautifully awesome!!”
            Pastor Beth Birkholz and Kelli Dobner                    — Tamieka Andrews, Director, Samaritas Family Center
 Rightpoint Drive  joined the celebration as Shepherd’s Gate
 Rightpoint came through   Church in Shelby Township turned 40.
 this holiday season and   Thank you for continuing to give back to
 donated a ton of wish   Samaritas through mission outreach and   VIETNAMESE AMERICAN COMMUNITY - GRAND RAPIDS
 list items for our foster   volunteerism!         Samaritas was at the Vietnamese American Community — Tet Lunar New Year Celebration in the
 care visit rooms and                              city of Wyoming, Michigan where Joel R. Lautenbach, Executive Director of Development and local
 Independent Living Plus                           Gateways for Growth — Grand Rapids/Kent County leader gave a keynote on the contributions of
 homes                                             the Vietnamese Community and how refugees and immigrants make our communities stronger!

 UAW LOCAL 163 FAMILY CENTER             Tyler
 The generous members of UAW Local
 163 Hall invited our families from
 the Samaritas Family Center to participate in   Get your track shoes on to keep up with Tyler. This active young lad loves riding
 their Christmas party with lots of food, games,   his bike, going hiking and swimming and anything else outdoors. Tyler takes
 a magician and even photos with Santa!
 Special thanks to UAW Local 163 President,   time to slow down, too. He enjoys playing card games, building things with
 Ralph Morris Jr., Vice President for Community   Legos and putting puzzles together.
 Services, Alfreada Wallace and all the Women’s
 Committee members for their work planning and                                       For more information visit
 presiding over the festivities!

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