Page 7 - Our Hands Spring 2020
P. 7


 Church         “What if we could change the lives of one

 Champions      person, one family, and one community
                for generations to come?”

                     hat is the question Judy Zehnder Keller raised early   Through Get to Work, we will partner with other local non-
                     last year. Judy is the President (and Founder) of the   profits with clients who need a start or fresh start in successful
              T Bavarian Inn Lodge in Frankenmuth. As she was          employment. Get to Work participants will receive “essential
              learning more about the programs and services Samaritas   skills” training like interview preparation, being on time — and
              provides in Southeast Saginaw, she wondered if young people,   dependable, working as part of a team, setting up a personal
              their siblings and parents might want to start/restart their work   budget, and more!
              history by joining the housekeeping team at the Bavarian Inn
              Lodge.                                                   We will also be a partner with local employers who need
                                                                       to hire and retain dependable team members in entry-level
              As part of a pilot last year, Daniel Soza and the Samaritas   roles so they can successfully transition to more and better
              Community Center team worked with Judy to recruit        opportunities.
              individuals in the local community who want and need to
              work, provide training and then transport 4-8 people daily to   The Drive to Succeed program will assist individuals with
              their jobs at the Bavarian Inn Lodge. Individuals who succeed   one-time or short-term transportation challenges that might
              in housekeeping quickly earn opportunities for pay increases   otherwise keep them from work — resources like ride sharing,
              and promotion opportunities in a wide array of hospitality   gas cards, etc.
              service lines.                                           For those starting work for the first time — or those for whom
              With lessons learned in 2019, this year United Way of Saginaw   employment has not been successful in the past — a new job
              County awarded nearly $75,000 to help enhance and expand   CAN be a NEW Start. We know when one person succeeds —
              two new programs — Get to Work and Drive to Succeed.     the ripple effect can be powerful for their family, and for the
                                                                       community, both today and in the future.
                                                                                                      Photo courtesy of

            Corporate COVID-19 Champions

               special thank you to the John Laing Group for donating funds for iPads and
            A tablets to help keep our seniors connected with family and friends during the
            COVID-19 crisis and also funds for basic needs, staff supplies and other necessities.
 INTERNATIONAL GOSPEL CENTER VISITS HEARTLINE  YOU ROCK! Visit for more information. We would also like to thank the   Shine Foundation
            United Way of Southeast Michigan (, United Way Heart of West
 Thanks to the women of International Gospel Center for supplying new purses for our women transitioning from incarceration,   Michigan (, United Way of Washtenaw County ( and
 homelessness and/or human trafficking at our Samaritas House Heartline program in Detroit. These purses were filled with   many more for donating funds for iPads and basic necessities for all the people in our
 handwritten notes of encouragement along with personal care items. Their gifts were gratefully received with cheers and hugs!  care, including seniors, homeless families, foster families, New Americans, people
            with disabilities and residents in our affordable living communities.
            Help us support children, families, seniors in need! To donate to the Samaritas COVID
 Throughout this issue, you will see these photos and information   Crisis Fund, visit our website
 about our foster children waiting for their forever family.    Thank you!

 John                                    Darius

 It’s easy to picture John sitting down and hunched over in a fist-to-chin   Darius is a very active, outgoing and smart kid. He likes school and
 pose like “The Thinker.” This bright and curious young guy is said to   has shown great progress in his studies. Darius loves the computer and
 think deeply and ask many questions. John is an eager learner who   enjoys playing all different types of games on it. One of the things he
 pushes himself to keep up with others.    likes most is Star Wars.

 For more information visit                                            For more information visit

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