Page 3 - Our Hands Spring 2020
P. 3

Grist   Values In Action
          for the Mill  We live out our values everyday at Samaritas - This month, we highlight Quality Service and People First

                        QUALITY SERVICE
 New Challenges, New Opportunities on the Horizon
                    Guiding Principles:                                yourselves. Yes, the work
 e are grateful for our caring   needs throughout Michigan, with often   has been hard. We have
 staff, dedicated Board   dwindling resources. And yet, we are buoyed   • We act with integrity and transparency  worked some long hours,
 Wmembers, enthusiastic   by the biblical inspiration to, “Be strong and   • We don’t cut corners  occasionally doing things
                                                                       outside of our job
 volunteers, faithful supporting churches   courageous, do not be afraid for the Lord your   • We go above and beyond  descriptions. Thank you!
 and generous donors from all walks of   God will be with you wherever you go,” (Joshua
 life. You have ensured that our mission of   1:9), and being confident in His promise, “For I   So, this our first Christmas
 Serving People as an Expression of the   know the plans I have for you declares the Lord,   s I woke up this Christmas morning I began   together. I give God thanks
                         thinking of the blessings that God has given me
 Love of Christ continues to define our   plans to give you hope and a future,” (Jeremiah   Aover this past year. Yes, I have a lot to be   for a group of people that I
                                                                       can work alongside, share
 identity, our purpose and our aspirations   29:11), this for both ourselves as we seek to   thankful for in my life. Starting with the fact that Jesus   in the good times and the
 for service development to the most   be faithful to our mission, and to those    came into this world to not only show the way, but also   struggles, laugh with and
 vulnerable persons in the communities   we serve.   pay the fee for my salvation. The King of Kings who   call my friends. God has
 we serve across Michigan. Our mission   stepped down from His throne to serve others and   great plans for Camino a
 is supported and sustained through our   With your faithful and encouraging support   ultimately give His life for us. What better gift is there   Casa and I am so blessed
 equally strong commitment to our values of   we count it a privilege to follow Christ’s   than that!  to be a part of this with
 People First, Quality Services, Innovation,   example of giving unconditional love to   Coming to Camino a Casa this past September to a   each of you. I pray that this
 Stewardship and Communication. Not   In this edition of Our Hands you will learn   people from of all ages and backgrounds, and   team that was starting to be assembled I really didn’t   Christmas each of you will
 surprisingly, we continue to find that as   more details about the continued expansion   in doing so enable them to gain the hope,   know what to expect. I learned early on that this group   feel the true blessings that
 we are faithful to our mission and values,   of our affordable living services, the growth   healing and wholeness they need to empower   of coworkers had a ton of passion for the mission of   we have been given. Thank
 our services opportunities and successes   of our transitional and independent living   them to thrive in    helping children find their way home. As we began to   you for who each of you are
                                                                       and for what you have been
 continue to grow.    foster care services, and the growth of our   all areas of their lives.   work together, training, cleaning, planning, translating,   willing to do to make
 professional counseling services, as well as   painting, fixing, eating, or the many other things we did,   Camino a Casa what it is.
 We are excited for some increased service   our other services around the state.   Grace & Peace,   I realized that this group really knew how to work hard
 opportunities here at Samaritas that include   Sam Beals   and have a great attitude doing it. And then our kids
 the most recent launching of our new   In many ways ours is a tough calling as we   Chief Executive Officer  started coming a I was able to see the true heart of   Jeff Walters
 Substance Use Disorders (SUD) services.   seek to meet chronic, severe and growing   what we do here. Through this team our kids have
                    been able to see the true love of Jesus in the way that   Transitional Foster Care Shelter
                    each of you has given above and beyond of          Samaritas

                        PEOPLE FIRST
 When this issue of Our Hands went to press in early April,   foster parents, mandated that all staff who could work from
 the COVID 19 health crisis was in effect. Samaritas, as   home, did so, and we were blessed by our volunteers,
 an “essential” business, was allowed to stay open so we   corporate partners and congregational supporters with
 could continue to take care of foster children, seniors, low   medical supplies, food, children’s education items for   ere’s a photo of the snowman the kids created the
 income and homeless families, persons with disabilities   homeschooling and monetary contributions to help us   other day—they said it was their snow bear and named
 and refugees. Our staff never wavered and tirelessly   support the most vulnerable populations we serve across    Hit “Teddy.” This photo made me think of all of the work
 demonstrated our mission and values to the fullest.   the state.  it’s taken to get to where we are: kiddos playing in snow for the
 We implemented safety measures to ensure staff and    first time and naming their adorable snow bear… a big THANK
 resident health and well-being, and followed the CDC,   We are grateful for dedicated staff who are going the extra mile   YOU is due. These kids are a huge gift. Thank you for all you
 WHO and federal and state guidelines for all procedures   and for the prayers and financial support of our various supporting   have done and continue to do, and have a fantastic Christmas!
 and processes. We offered web-based training for our   constituencies during this time.   You all ROCK!

                                                       Mindy Erny
                                                       Office Coordinator
 Our Hands  SPRING/SUMMER 2020, ISSUE NO. 9            Transitional Foster Care Residential Shelter Grand Rapids

    3   VALUES IN ACTION   10-11    COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS   20-21  ADVANCEMENT  Thank you for playing a key role in getting these kids into a safe environment
                                                       here at Samaritas! I have been told that the home is filled with laughter and lots
    4-5   SENIOR LIVING   12-13   EVENTS  22  FOUNDATION
                                                       of smiles.  Have a Merry Christmas knowing that the work you do impacts lives.
 7  COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS    16-17  FOSTER CARE AND ADOPTION          Kevin Van Den Brosch
 8-9  SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER    18-19   NEW AMERICANS     Samaritas COO Child and Family
 For general inquiries, email     For more information visit     Cover artwork: Samaritas Family Center Resident
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 ** Please note that some of the images included in this issue were taken pre-COVID-19 Crisis. **
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