Page 12 - Our Hands Spring 2020
P. 12

EVENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                         EVENTS

                  S A V E   T H E   D A T E

                              2 0 2 0  BE THE ROCK

                                                    Monday, sEptEMbEr 21                                                                                   S A V E   T H E   D A T E

                                                                                                                                                                 2020 RipplesGala

                                                                                                                                                                                                    thursday, november 5

                 in-pErson gathEring or virtual ExpEriEnCEn-pErson gathEring or virtual ExpEriEnCE                                                        i
                                                                                                                                                          in-pErson gathEring or virtual ExpEriEnCEn-pErson gathEring or virtual ExpEriEnCE

                    e the Rock, presented by Applied Imaging, is the not-
                    to-be missed event of the fall! Find your purple dress                                                                                 amaritas’ 2nd annual Ripples Gala presented by
             Bor tie, shine your shoes, and join over 500 community         Be the Rock  September 21, 2020                                                Delta Dental and TCF National Bank on Thursday,
             influencers who are committed to meet the growing needs                                                                                  SNovember 5, 2020 at the historic Westin Book Cadillac
             of our children, families, and seniors in West Michigan on                                                                               in downtown Detroit. This signature event will be packed full
             September 21 at the iconic Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in               SPONSORSHIPS, VIP AND GENERAL                                        of excitement and entertainment while raising essential funds
             downtown Grand Rapids.                                          ADMISSION TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR THIS                                     that allow Samaritas to continue serving over 16,000 people
                                                                                     NOT-TO-BE-MISSED EVENT.                                          across the state of Michigan.
                                                                             Purchase online at                                                                                                          EvEnt Chairs

                            We are thrilled to welcome back event chairs        contact Mary Cline at
                            Bing and Jean Goei from Eastern Floral, John                  or call (616) 284-5704.                                    The Ripples Gala is a not-to-missed event and would not be                      MargarEt triMEr
                            and Sandy Lowery from Applied Imaging and                                                                                possible without the leadership of our esteemed event chair              Delta Dental of Michigan, Ohio & Indiana
                            are pleased to announce new vice co-chairs Dave                                                                          Margaret Trimer, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, Delta
             Maranda        Shaffer from Interphase Interiors and Renee                                                                              Dental of Michigan, Ohio & Indiana, and event vice-chair
                            Williams from Huntington Bank.                                                                                           Thomas Shafer, President & COO of TCF National Bank.

                            Again this year, the GE Aviation band will offer   THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS!                                   Full of memorable mission moments and fun surprise elements
                            some toe-tapping Big Band standards during the                                                                           at every turn, tickets and sponsorships are sure to go quickly.
                            VIP and general reception where you can shop                                                                             Last year’s event sold out months in advance – do not wait to
             Father Robert Sirico  a loaded silent auction and enjoy a signature    PRESENTING                                                       secure your seat at the event! Sponsorship opportunities, VIP and
                            cocktail. Maranda, Samaritas ambassador, and                                                                             General Admission tickets and a seat on the Gala Committee are
                            West Michigan’s WOOD TV’s women, family                                                                                  still available. We hope to see you there!
                            and kids expert will take us through the rest    VISIONARY             CHAMPION
                            of the celebration featuring the inspirational
                            Father Robert Sirico of the Acton Institute as                                                                                THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS!                                          viCE Chair
             John and Sandy Lowery
                            the keynote address.                                                                                                                                                                                     thoMas C. shafEr
                            Guests enjoy a plated dinner of harvest fall                           ADVOCATE                                             PRESENTING                                                                     TCF National Bank
                            flavors, powerful mission testimonies, and will
                            have the opportunity to honor individuals and
                            corporations who are making a difference by                                                                                        TRANSFORMATION     VIP TABLE                               SPONSORSHIPS, VIP AND GENERAL
             Bing and Jean Goei                                                                                                                                                                                       ADMISSION TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR THIS
                            living the Samaritas mission each and every
             day. The evening will come to an exciting conclusion with a live   This evening is sure to connect, empower and                                                                                                  NOT-TO-BE-MISSED EVENT.
             auction featuring one-of-a-kind items and experiences.           transform all in attendance as we celebrate our                                                                                          Contact Lauren Brosch at
                                                                              vision for the future.                                                                                                                        or call (313) 308-8866 for purchasing.
                                                                                                                                                       EMPOWERED    COMMUNITY FINANCIAL CREDIT UNION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Visit for more information.

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