Page 10 - Samaritas Substance Use Disorder
P. 10

Effective Treatment

                                                                 Components of Effective Treatment

                                                                 •  Readily available.
                                                                 •  Treatment doesn’t need to be voluntary
                                                                       to be effective.

                                                                 •  Staying in treatment long enough is critical.
                                                                 •  Treatment should address other possible
                                                                       mental disorders.

                                                                 •  Effective treatment is holistic.
                                                                      Tailoring services to fit people’s needs
                                                                       is important.

          SUD Outreach                                               Office-Based Treatment

                                                                     For those that prefer a more
      The National Institute of Drug Abuse                           structured environment, Samaritas

      has identified that tailoring treatment                        has office locations where people can
      to fit individual needs leads to better                        obtain counseling, Medication-

      outcomes.                                                      Assisted Treatment, group
                                                                     counseling, and ancillary services.
      One way that Samaritas does this is
      to offer an in-home model designed                             Teletherapy

      to help treat individuals where they
      live, where they experience triggers,                          Allows the use of electronic

      and where they need to be sober.                               communication such as
                                                                     videoconferencing, cell phones,
                                                                     and landlines to support individuals
      SUD Outreach  can follow a traditional                         on their road to recovery. This is an
      outpatient intensity of once a week                            excellent choice for those that require

      and can increase in intensity to                               flexible scheduling, are struggling
      match the unique needs of the client.                          with illness, or who may be more

                                                                     comfortable with teletherapy sessions.
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