Page 11 - Samaritas Substance Use Disorder
P. 11
Continuum of Care
“ Based on the
American Society of
Addiction Medicine
(ASAM) Criteria,
Outpatient is 1-6 hours
of treatment per week
for an adolescent and
1-9 hours of treatment
for adults. Intensive
Intensive Outpatient Level of Care Outpatient Level of
Care would be 6+
This is an important aspect to treatment. It provides the hours for adolescents
opportunity for those that require a higher level of care the and 9+ for adults.
ability to obtain intensive treatment but still remain at home,
avoiding inpatient treatment.
Intensive Outpatient is typically a combination of individual
and group counseling, with additional services provided if
needed. Group Therapy, which may feel intimidating, allows a
person to relate to others (and oneself) in a healthy way,
practice giving and receiving support, and perhaps most
importantly, reduces isolation and helps people to realize
they aren’t alone.
Samaritas is committed to treating the whole person,
which means creating an individualized service plan that
addresses all the person’s needs. In combination with
Sources: Mee-Lee D, Shulman GD, Fishman MJ,
counseling, clients are able to access Recovery Coach and Gastfriend DR, Miller MM, eds. The ASAM Criteria:
Case Management services; valuable resources that focus Treatment Criteria for Addictive, Substance-Related,
and Co-Occurring Conditions. 3rd ed. Carson City,
NV: The Change Companies; 2013.
on different facets of treatment.