Page 7 - Samaritas Our Hands Spring/Summer2024
P. 7

Neighbors, not Numbers.

                                                            W E   B E L I E V E   I N   H O U S I N G   F O R   A L L

       E M P O W E R M E N T   |     D I V E R S I T Y     |     C O M M U N I T Y     |     A U T H E N T I C I T Y     |     E N G A G E M E N T
             To complement the "Neighbors, Not Numbers" theme and highlight the diverse individuals who benefit from affordable housing

             Samantha, a 32-year-old single mother of two,                  Samantha’s Journey
             found stability and independence through                       to Empowerment.
             Samaritas' affordable housing program. After
             leaving an abusive relationship, Samantha
             struggled to afford a safe home for her family on
             her limited income as a cashier. With the help of an
             affordable housing voucher, she was able to move
             into a comfortable apartment that allowed her to
             focus on providing for her children and getting
             back on her feet.
             "Samaritas gave me the chance to create a nurturing
             environment for my kids and start rebuilding our lives,"
             Samantha says. "They empowered me to get a better                                      From Struggle to Stability.
                                                                                                    Learn more about how we're helping Michigan
             job and become self-sufficient again."                                                 families find stable, affordable housing and how you
                                                                                                    can help at

                                                         SOARING HOUSING COSTS
                                                                                                                  Affordable Living
                                                         Rental rates in Michigan have                              Spring Lake, MI
                    14%                                  seen a "double-digit

          in 2023, the cost of rent                      percentage increase" across
          in our state has gone up                       various cities in the past year.

           in 2023, the cost of    14%                   (Statistic from and community-
           rent in our state                             unaffordable-housing-in-michigan-stats-and-
           has gone up

           Michigan Renters Face                            Mi Renters Feeling
                                                                  the Burn
           Soaring Rent Hikes                                                                   Showcasing our properties

                                                         Renters in Michigan appear to           Samaritas Affordable Living
                                                         be feeling the burn more than           Muskegon offers a combination
                                                         anyone else in the country.             of style, comfort, and livability.
                                                         New numbers show Michigan               Find your new place at Samaritas
                                                         had one of the highest                  Affordable Living Muskegon.
                                                         increases in rent in the last
                                                         year.                                   muskegon-muskegon-mi/6eew3qs/

                                 #AffordableLiving4All   prices-increasing/

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