Page 4 - Our Hands Fall/Winter 2021
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From fields of seeds that once grew corn, to fields of dreams that seed growth and transformation for
Michigan families with a gift of $900K to Samaritas.
Paul Schmidt was born in 1888 in Germany and immigrated to the US. He started farming
near Romeo, Michigan in the late 1920’s near other members of his family. He and his wife had
three daughters and one son. They raised beef cattle on a 300 acre farm that supported a
herd of over 150 steers. Active members of St. John Lutheran Church in Romeo, their children
attended Sunday School and were enthusiastic members of the confirmation group.
After Paul and his wife, Clara, passed away, the farm was operated by their son, Alvin, and
daughter, Doris. As their parents before them, they were dedicated to stewardship of both the
land and their fellow man.
The farm was always very neat and clean, in spite of housing a couple hundred cows. The land is reputed to be the best farm plot in
Ray Township. Their efforts were recognized in 1993 when Alvin was named Macomb County “Conservationist of the Year”.
Doris was a long time Sunday School teacher and active volunteer at St John. In 2015, she was recognized by the Church Council for
her dedicated service. She also was a steadfast supporter of Samaritas and the Samaritan House food pantry.
When Doris died, at the age of 90, she and her brother left
all the land to be split between Samaritas, St. John Lutheran Samaritas West Michigan
Church, and Samaritan House. What a wonderful gift of nearly Campus Lobby Dedication
$2 million from a remarkable family.
In honor of Jack Greiner, longtime board member and ardent
supporter of Samaritas, the lobby in our West Michigan
The gift of nearly $900K to Samaritas’ will provide support
to advance our mission of serving others as an expression of Campus was recently dedicated in honor of Jack and his
the love of Christ. It will help in so many ways like providing wife, Margie.
loving foster homes for children in care who have experienced The ceremony was attended by Jack’s family and
abuse and neglect, family preservation services for families in included an opening welcome and prayer by Sam Beals,
crisis but on the road to health, shelter solutions for homeless CEO, followed by a history of the campus project and its
families, and so much more! Samaritas is incredibly grateful importance. The group heard heartfelt remarks about
to Ms. Schmidt and her family for their tireless support of our Jack and the Greiner family and how their support and
mission and the families in our care for decades, and now, for ambassadorship through the years have made a big impact
years to come. at Samaritas.
Gifts of all kinds, like the The plaque bearing their name was dedicated, with
Schmidt’s, can make a lasting flowers presented to Marge Greiner, Jack’s widow.
impact on our communities Everyone in attendance was thrilled to receive a
through Samaritas. To explore tour of the campus, which highlights the impact
ways in which you can make of community that made this new West Michigan
this impact, please contact Program Hub possible – a sentiment synonymous
DeeDee McVety at (248) 953- with Jack’s spirit of advocacy on behalf of Samaritas.
1944 or email her at DeeDee. Other naming opportunities are available at our
West Michigan Campus and at other Samaritas
buildings around the state. Contact Dave Gilman at for more information.
Foster teens experienced the breathtaking
Montana wilderness thanks to generous donors
A group of teenage boys from our foster care program
experienced the breathtaking Montana wilderness
thanks to the generous hospitality of Mick and Lucy
McGraw. The McGraws open their Montana ranch home
every year to help these young men experience nature,
and build their self-confidence and teamwork skills.