Page 46 - 2016 yearbook
P. 46
PART 3 Heart of Education 049
‘Love of Nation’ was the theme for June Cokosing, with a campaign
focused on what it means to love your country. Members made posters
to spread word of the campaign, then posted notes on a special bulletin
board outlined with three themes: 1. Historical Gratitude – expressing
thanks to Korean historical figures, 2. What I miss about Korea, 3.
Random thoughts on Korea. At the conclusion of the campaign, the more
interesting or thoughtful notes were shared at our monthly assembly.
Due to the seriousness of the Zika virus, July Cokosing members
educated their classmates about the symptoms of Zika, along with ideas
on how to prevent the spread of the virus. Zika awareness posters were
place throughout the school halls and at the bus drop-off. CoKoSing
members also distributed mosquito repellant patches, handed out info
cards providing details about Zika, and held awareness surveys.
Each month, students from every class are selected to participate in a A safe and fun learning environment is important in education. To make
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special Cokosing project. These projects foster creative thinking, greater a safer learning environment, October Cokosing members provided the
Cokosing Activities sense of community, positivity, and respect towards every individual or school with a safety awareness campaign. First, participating members
group. For 2016, students completed the following Cokosing projects: investigated the school grounds and made note of areas to improve
school safety. Afterwards, awareness was spread through posters,
March warning signs, and student intervention. October Cokosing concluded
A ‘Raffle of Kindness’ campaign took place in March to encourage with members promoting a special ‘SKIS Spirit Week,’ where students
Cokosing members (and the entire SKIS student body) the value of displayed their school spirit with wacky themes and attire.
대한민국의 국민으로서 나와 국가의 일체감 강화 및 우리 문화와 역사에 대 를 주제로 그리기 및 우리나라 소개하는 글쓰기로 나누어 진행되었다. 어린
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한 이해와 애국심함양을 목적으로 한 나라사랑대회가 8월 16일부터 28일까 시절에 형성된 국가에 대한 정서적 애착은 나이가 들어서까지 오랫동안 지 treating one another with kindness and respect. First, observant
Cokosing members issued raffle tickets to especially kind students. November
나라사랑대회 지 한국어부 시간에 치렀다. 1~3학년은 자랑스러운 우리 위인들을 우표로 속된다. 자랑스러운 대한민국 국민으로서 당당한 세계시민으로 성장할 수 Spreading joy and positivity headlined November Cokosing. Members
나타내거나, 위인들에게 감사 편지를 쓰기, 4~6학년은 아름다운 우리나라 있는 작은 계기가 되었기를 바란다. These tickets were then placed into a special raffle box. During the March
assembly, names were drawn and winning students were awarded a stressed the importance of sending and receiving positive messages,
prize. and set out to remind students that there is always a speck of brightness
2016년 8월 16일~28일 amidst the dark! Part one of the project was to decorate Christmas
April cards. These cards were then handed out at a local elderly home,
In April, students ran a ‘Book Donation for Nepal’ campaign. Cokosing spreading a little comfort and joy just in time for the holidays. Part two
members made posters to market the campaign, then personally of the campaign spread joy to classmates through the 'Compliment
encouraged students to bring in various books to be donated to victims of a Classmate’ project. During this phase, randomly selected students
the devastating Nepal earthquake. Collected books were then sent to a received a sweet along with a hand-written compliment from a fellow
charity organization based in Nepal. classmate, thereby reinforcing a positive classroom vibe.
May December
For the month of May Cokosing members touched on the idea of family, In anticipation for the holidays, December Cokosing members decked
as well as celebrated teacher’s day and children’s day. The campaign the halls with Christmas decorations, stopping just short of boughs
focused on respect and kindness towards teachers and students at SKIS. of holly. Students also learned catchy English Christmas phrases and
Throughout the month, students sent positive messages to one another. recorded New Year's resolutions. The best resolutions went on display
These notes served as a reminder of the value of treating one another to encourage others to get off to an optimistic start in 2017.
with kindness and respect.