Page 52 - 2016 yearbook
P. 52
PART 3 Heart of Education 055
Middle & High 중고등
Middle & High_ 01 The Research Project 2016 took place from March to September of this year. The purpose of the research project is for students to understand the Middle & High_ 02 Peer tutoring took place from March to June 2016. The tutors for the Peer Tutoring course were grade 12 students, and those who attended the classes
process of researching, teamwork, and carrying out a long-term project. Students were divided into middle school groups, and high school groups. Each were selected as they had excelled in their given subject area. Subjects taught included SAT, TOEFL, Math, Chinese and Korean. There were two reasons
Research Project group consisted of members of different grades, so it was one of the few times that students from different grades got a chance to interact with each other. Peer tutoring for the establishment of the Peer Tutoring courses. The first reason was to give our grade 12 students an opportunity to gain some experience in planning
The students presented their research projects on two occasions, with each presentation judged by the teachers of SKIS. The overall winner of the High lessons and teaching, as some of them had expressed an interest in pursuing teaching as their future career. The second reason was to give our G7-
School research project was the Environmental group, while the Global Issues group was the winner of the Middle School project. Through the Research G11 students a chance to get some extra help with subjects that they found difficult. Overall the Peer Tutoring courses proved to be very successful, with
Project, students were able to research areas of interest to them, or discover a new area of interest. The research project process has given them the the tutors gaining valuable experience, and the students who participated obtaining access to in-depth tuition, helping them to excel in their academic
necessary tools that they need to carry out research at university and in their future career. performance.
2016년 3월~9월, 각 교실 및 강당
2016년 3월~6월, 교실