Page 3 - 2020 유치원 6월 뉴스레터
P. 3

about  many  different  terms  related  to  the topics   also  learned  about  different  animal  parts  like:
       of  the  last  2  weeks;  Jungle/Rainforest  Animals    whiskers,  claws,  paws,  fur,  hooves  and  horns.
       and  Ocean/Sea  Creatures.                              Both  classes  also  participated  in  art  and  craft
                                                               activities,  such  as  making  handprint  elephants
                                                               and  monkeys.  The  N2  class  designed  beautiful
                                                               paper  snakes,  which  now  hang  down  from  the

                                                               ceiling  in  our  hallway.  Everyone  admires  this
                                                               amazing  work  –“Our  Jungle”.  It  really  does  look
                                                               like  the  Amazon!

         On  our  first  week  back  from  Home-Based
       Learning,  the  K  (HaNeul)  students  were  involved
       and  engaged  in  the  topic  of  Transportation.
       Through  this,  we  learnt  about  many  types  of

       transportations  that  were  in  the  Air,  Land  and
       Sea.  We  delved  into  Past  vs.  Present  vehicles
       and  how  technology  has  shaped  the  way  we
       view  speed  and  modes  of  transport.  One  other
       area  of  transportation  that  we  chose  to  focus
       on  was  road  safety  and  why  it  is  important  for

       all  of  us;  despite  technology  aiding  us,  we
       must  still  remain  vigilant  on  the  roads  and
       understand  what  places  us  in  danger  and  how
       we  can  make  proper  decisions/choices  to  keep

       ourselves  and  others  safe.  We  learnt  about                 7월  월중  행사

       road  signs  and  what  they  mean,  and  what  we
       can  do  when  we  view  these  along  the  roads  –
                                                                 7월 29일(수) 방학식
       these  signs  keep  us  aware  and  considerate  of
       others  and  to  maintain  security  for  everyone.       7월 30일(목) ~ 8월 17일(월) : 1학기 방학

                        N2  and  K  (YoulMae)
                                                                       당신은  사랑받기  위해  태어난  사람

                Jungle  and  Rainforest  Animals                   6월에  태어난  우리  SKIS어린이들입니다.  생일을
         Last  week  the  N2  and  K  (YoulMae)  classes       진심으로 축하하며, 건강하고 지혜롭게 자라서 이 세상에
       explored  the  theme  of  “The  Jungle  and             기쁨과  희망을  주는  사람이  되기를  바랍니다.
       Rainforest  Animals”.  The  children  from  the  N2

       class  did  a  great  job  at  identifying  different
       animals  like  snakes,  monkeys,  lions  or  gorillas!
       The  K  (YoulMae)  children  learned  about  the  six    N1  씨앗반  오태준(6.6)
       basic  animal  classes:  amphibians,  birds,  fish,      N2  새싹반  건  후(6.21),  이서진(6.24)
       invertebrates,  mammals,  and  reptiles.  This
                                                                K    열매반    박지수(6.12),  최지아(6.16)
       theme  raised  a  whole  raft  of  questions,  such
       as:  “Is  a  lizard  a  reptile  or  an  amphibian?”  or   K    하늘반    강이안(6.23)
       “Is  a  dolphin  a  mammal  or  fish?”  The  students
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