Page 3 - 2019 뉴스레터 6월(유치원)
P. 3

the  Earth,  plants,  and  animals  that  have          on  top)  while  also  practicing  “Yes,  please”  and
       changed  over  time.  The  volcano  experiment          “No,  thank  you.”  It  was  so  delicious  that  some
       also  did  not  fail  to  spark  fun  and  enthusiasm   of  us  had  a  second  helping.
       for  learning  about  lava,  magma  and  eruptions.

                                                                        7월  월중  행사

              N  Class :  Eating  Healthy  and
                       Learning  English!                        7월 5일(금) : 유·초 연계 교육
                                                MS. JESSI        7월 9일(화) ~ 7월 12일(금) : 원내물놀이

           One  of  our  favorite  themes  this  month  was      7월 16일(화) : 전통문화체험교육
       talking  about  Healthy  Eating.  I  love  teaching                   ‘인절미 만들기’ 활동
       themes  that  naturally  extend  themselves  and
                                                                 7월 19일(금) : 1학기 방학식
       get  the  kids  interested  in  things  they  see,  talk
       about,  and  experience  every  day.  The  learning

       and  curiosity  come  so  naturally  and  we  have  a
                                                                       당신은  사랑받기  위해  태어난  사람
       lot  of  fun  together.  We  focused  on  a  song
       called  “Are  You  Hungry?”  and  learned  to
                                                                   7월에  태어난  우리  SKIS어린이들입니다.  생일을
       answer  with  “Yes,  I  am  (hungry)!”  while  talking
                                                               진심으로  축하하며,  건강하고  지혜롭게  자라서  이  세
       about  fruits  we  like  –  apples,  bananas,  grapes,
                                                               상에  기쁨과  희망을  주는  사람이  되기를  바랍니다.
       watermelon,  etc.    We  used  the  song  “Do  You
       Like  Broccoli  Ice  Cream?”  to  learn  the  phrases
       “I  like”  and  “I  don’t  like”.  Another  favorite  was
                                                                                  K1-2  햇살반
       “Peanut  Butter  &  Jelly!”  to  learn  the  steps  to
       make  a  peanut  butter  and  jelly  sandwich  and                 소한결(7.21),  서시윤(7.29)

       then  we  actually  got  to  make  our  own!  But
                                                                                   K2  열매반
       perhaps  our  favorite  day  was  when  we  learned
                                                                         서은아(7.3)  ,  손주하,  손주호,
       the  song  “Happy  Fruits”  and  then  used  some
       of  them  to  make  a  fruit  salad  (fruit  with  yogurt     랑선비짓에이든(7.9),  진세민(7.23)
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