Page 11 - 2021 SKIS WINDOW Elementary
P. 11
전교회장단 이야기
Hello everyone, my name is Chaeyoung. I was the school’s first President of the student Hello, I am Song Tae-hee, Vice President of the student council in semester 1 of at the
counsel in the first semester. Singapore Korean International School.
I want to thank you all for voting for me. Although there were challenges because of the First of all, thank you so much for choosing me to be the vice-president of the elementary
COVID-19 situation and online classes, I had a great experience. school this semester. I would like to express my sincere gratitude once again to all the
I want to thank the teachers and the other councils who helped me. I was very happy to students and teachers who believed in and supported me. I wanted to focus on and listen
work for our school, especially with the After Lunch Club for grade 5 and 6, the school to the opinions of the students to further improve our school environment. I ran for office,
events, and student council activities. wanting to create a peaceful and loving atmosphere for the students and teachers. To help
Thank you. achieve this, I created a suggestion box to collect your opinions and ideas. I also organised
전교회장 6학년 손채영 the school love event so that students will take more interest in our school and appreciate
what we have more.
Thank you for your continued support I have enjoyed my role in representing your voice.
전교부회장 6학년 송태희
This semester, I was a the G5 Vice President of the SKIS student councel. Hello, everyone. I’m Yennie Kim. I was a member of the first semester’s school counsel. As
When I joined the voting, I was really nervous. a school counselor, I want to tell you all, thank you very much for voting for and admitting
After I became Vice President, I was extremely happy. But still, my mind was extremely me to be a school counselor. It was a very admirable memory for me. Even though we
worried and confused, Bbecause it was my first time! I received help from the President had a hard situation fighting with the Covid-19 virus and took online classes, I feel very
and another Vice Presidents and in the end, I was doing well. So, I want to tell them, thank strongly that it was a great experience for you and I. Also, I hope the suggestion box that I
you for helping me in semester 1. Thank you made was very helpful for everyone. Again, thank you everyone!
전교부회장 5학년 김연우 전교부회장 5학년 김예원
교장선생님의 다짐
하루를 시작하는 다짐
싱가포르한국국제학교 교가
사랑하는 싱가포르한국국제학교 학생, 교직원 그리고 학부모님 여러분!
먼저, 작년에 이어 올해까지 코로나로 인해 많은 어려움이 있었음에도 불구하고,
서로에게 의미있는 교육 활동이 운영될 수 있도록 각자 위치에서 최선을 다해주셔서
대단히 감사합니다. 아울러, 학교 신문(SKIS WINDOW)을 통해 그간의 다양한
교육활동 소식을 모두와 공유하게 되어 매우 기쁘게 생각합니다.
저는 작년 SKIS에 부임한 이후 매일 아침을 하루를 준비하는 다짐으로 시작합니다.
다짐의 주요 내용은 ‘나와 가족의 건강과 행복, 그리고 우리 학교 구성원의 건강과
행복을 위해 내가 할 수 있는 최선을 다하겠다.’는 것입니다. 이러한 다짐은 매일
저녁 하루를 마감하며 하루의 생활을 반성하는 근거가 되기도 합니다.
여러분은 어떠한가요?
여러분의 하루하루가 나와 가족을 넘어 학교와 지역사회, 그리고 하나뿐인 우리의
지구까지 뻗어 나가기를 빌며, 의미 있고 소중한 우리의 추억들을 공유합니다.
마지막으로, 어려운 시기에 모두 함께 서로 격려하며 밝은 미래를 위해 나아가는
사랑하는 학생, 교직원, 그리고 학부모님 모두에게 다시 한 번 더 감사드리며,
여러분 모두의 하루하루가 소중한 선물이 되길 빕니다. 감사합니다.
싱가포르한국국제학교장, 강혜영
skis window Elementary