Page 41 - 2020 교육계획서(초등)
P. 41
Ⅱ. 학교 교육과정 편성・운영
Singapore Korean International School
Foundation English(기초영어반)
1) 과목설명
- English Literacy과목 레벨 1에 해당하는 학생들을 대상으로 합니다.
- 3-6학년 학생들 중 해당학생 들이 English 시간에 분반하여 수업이 운영됩니다.
- 학생들의 빠른 영어 능력 향상을 목적으로 합니다.
- Oxford primary skills 교재를 사용합니다.
- 일주일에 2시간씩 3번 총 6시간 실시됩니다.
- 학생의 영어 능력이 일반 English 수업을 듣기에 적당한 수준으로 향상되면 테스트를
실시하고 테스트를 통과하면 일반 English 과목으로 통합됩니다.
- 학생의 영어능력을 고려하여 한국어가 가능한 교사가 지도합니다.
2) 목적 및 교재 설명
- To improve students with A1 English ability so that they can be integrated
into the mainstream English classes.
- Students with low level proficiency of English will be placed in Foundation
English. Students focus on fundamental abilities, building their vocabulary,
speech ability and grammar. The pace and materials of the class are catered
specifically to students of A1 level so that they can learn in an environment
that allows them to feel comfortable and benefits their learning.
- The students will be continually assessed by the teacher and once a
student has further developed their English to an A2 level of proficiency, the
student will be integrated into mainstream English classes and no longer be
in Foundation English classes.
- The students will be using Oxford Primary Skills textbooks during their time
in Foundation English.
The textbooks aim to build strong foundations by developing their reading and
writing. The students are given a broad spectrum of interesting topics and
stories that are complemented by writing tasks that will build up the skills that
the students need to have to further improve and progress in their English
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