Page 43 - 2020 교육계획서(초등)
P. 43

Ⅱ.  학교  교육과정  편성・운영
               Singapore  Korean  International  School

                                                       Edition  1  to  3

                  ESL  afternoon
                                                                                            Ms.  Sanjukta
                    (Grade  4)

                                         Incredible  English  Oxford  Class  Book  3  to  5

                  ESL  afternoon
                    (Grade  5)

                                        Incredible  English  Oxford  Activity  Book  3  to  5  Ms.  Jaclyn

                  ESL  afternoon
                    (Grade  6)

              ◆  ESL  Curriculum
               Ø    To  improve  students’  low  English  proficiency  level  and  integrate  well  into  the
                   mainstream  English  classes.
                  -  Conduct  after-school  ESL  classes  from  3:45-4:45pm,  2  days  a  week,  Monday  and


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