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2021 2nd semester Students Ⅴ
English Section was choosing a story that the Chinese opinions on the IPC exhibition day.
teacher had in a list, and the second
option was to make his/her own story. The school council
Online Class (HBL) Zoom on Monday and Tuesday, The difference between those two Jeong Hyeonu G5
Song Arim G5 and Wednesday and Thursday as was that the second option gave more In the 2nd semester of 2021, there was
As all of you might remember, we did well. My teacher in school did the points than the story from the list. a school council like the 1st semester.
home-based learning - HBL - during Zoom meeting for us. And for my Jk, who achieved the best performer The school president for 2nd semester
our school year, due to Covid- 19. English and IPC classes, my English award said, “I feel so proud of is Alex (So Yul) and the 3 vice
These classes were done online with homeroom teacher posted on Google myself and I think that it was a great presidents are myself (Jeong Hyeonu),
computers in our homes. Google Classroom for us. For Chinese, I experience.” Yu Jiah, and Cho Yeonah.
Classroom and Zoom were the main studied on my own. Jimin kark, who achieved the most Today, I will interview the school’s
tools that we used. Despite the fact I could attend several creative award said, “I was happy to president and vice president. Firstly, I
zoom meetings every day, I was have an opportunity like that.” am very proud to be the vice president
extremely bored, missed my friends, Teacher Wang, who is one of the because I failed at being the vice
and wanted to go back to school. I Chinese teachers, said, “I think the president last semester. Let’s find out
was very glad when I got to go back Chinese speech contest was very how the school president feels about it.
to school (after doing the ART test, successful. The students put in a lot Jeong Hyeonu: “How did you
of course).
of effort and they prepared very well. feel when you became the school
I was so impressed.” president?”
The online class during the second The Chinese Speech Contest was a So Yul: “I felt so happy about it. I’m
semester was about one week, but magnificent experience for students to such a genius.”
some of us stayed in quarantine for improve their Chinese language. Jeong Hyeonu: “Thank you for your
a week more, due to having middle answer, So Yul.”
school students as siblings. IPC Exhibition Day Next, let’s ask two of the school vice
While teachers, middle schoolers, and presidents’ about their feelings.
high schoolers stayed in quarantine Kark Jimin G6 Jeong Hyeonu: “How did you
for only 2 days, primary students “We’re going back to school!” My This year’s IPC exhibition day was a feel about being the school vice
weren’t vaccinated, and therefore, friends were overjoyed to go back bit different from last year’s. Instead of president?”
we stayed in quarantine for a week. to school, but quite discouraged moving around different classrooms, Yu Jiah: “I failed to become school
However, students who weren’t when they had to bring their heavy we sat back and watched other vice president in the first semester,
related to middle/ high school textbooks back. classmates presenting what they but I think I made good memories by
teachers or middle/ high schoolers had done in past IPC classes. It was succeeding in the second semester.”
were allowed to go to school. The Chinese Speech Contest because of covid-19 that we weren’t Cho Yeonah: “Before graduating, I
I was one of the students who had So Yul G6 able to have an IPC exhibition day became vice president and I think I
to stay in quarantine. Before the During Chinese Week, which like last year. have made good memories.”
news had reached me, my friends was from the 8th to the 12th of We had IPC exhibition day on Jeong Hyeonu: “Thank you for your
and I were excited to go back to November, the Chinese Speech October 22. Students had to recall precious answers.”
school and take a break from HBL. Contest was held. what they learned in the unit and That’s all for today’s article. This has
We texted each other, saying “See The Chinese Speech Contest was show it to their classmates. In grade 6, been Jeong Hyeonu. Thank You.
you tomorrow!” and “We’re going a competition about telling a story our unit was about fairgrounds. Each
back to school!! YAY!” and things in Chinese. This competition was group had to present their fairground
games they had made in IPC classes. THE INTERNATIONAL
like that. When news reached us on prepared for a month and it was After they finished explaining about DIGITAL SCHOOL
Sunday, I was miserable, including me conducted by three Chinese teachers their fairground games, they were told EXCHANGE
Including me, 6 students in my class in SKIS: teacher Wang, teacher Kris, Huh Esther Chaeun G5
stayed in quarantine. and teacher Zhang. to play each other’s game and win the During the second semester, Grade
“I was so excited!” My friend (who There were 5 awards for students prizes, which were candies, chocolates, 5 and 6 elementary classes did a
had to stay in quarantine as well) had who were chosen for making a good chips, and so forth. school exchange with the students
texted me, “I had packed my bag the speech: the most popular, the best One of the students from grade in the Netherlands, specifically with
day before.” performer, the most creative, the best six said that, “It was a fresh, new the students on a small island near
And my other friend who got to go speaker, and the most effort. Each experience but I wanted to go to other Amsterdam, called Almere. Different
had messaged me, “I can’t believe class, which is divided into different classrooms and learn new things.” classes filmed videos, made posters,
you’re not coming to school! :(” levels according to the student’s Another student said, “I really liked and did many other activities. My
But luckily for me, my teacher had Chinese ability, had 5 awards each. this year’s IPC exhibition day because class in Milepost 3, also known as
to stay in quarantine for 2 days, The story that the students had to the activities were exciting.” grade 5, were split into teams and
so I could go to Korean classes in tell had two options. The first option There were also various other