Page 3 - 2020 유치원 11월 뉴스레터
P. 3

The  children  of  K  (HaNeul)  were  busy  building
                                                               in  November.  They  were  introduced  to  types  of
                                                               construction  vehicles  and  ways  to  demolish  a
                                                               building.  The  children  re-enacted  this  in  an
                                                               outdoor  activity  with  their  pretend  wrecking
                                                               ball.  They  also  had  to  create  3D  shapes
                                                               (cubes,    cuboids,    pyramids    etc)    out   of
                                                               toothpicks  and  used  ice  cream  sticks  to  create
                                                               their  sleds  during  Occupations  week.  Their
                                                               building  skills  were  put  to  the  test  further
                                                               during  Community  week  when  they  had  to  build
                                                               their  city.  The  children  included  extensive
                         N1  and  K  (HaNeul)                  systems  for  housing,  utilities,  transportation,
                                                               recreation  etc.  They  then  focused  on  creating
                                                               their  neighbourhood  maps.  During  the  week  of
       The  N1s  were  fascinated  to  explore  the
                                                               simple  machines,  children  worked  in  pairs  to
       different  occupations  that  were  introduced  to
                                                               create  a  simple  machine  using  recycled
       them  and  enjoyed  role-playing  with  the  props.
       Children  dabbled  in  a  little  farming  by  planting
       their  own  green  bean  plant  as  they  pretended
       to  be  farmers.  They  learnt  about  healthy  and
       unhealthy  food  for  the  teeth  as  they  role
       played  as  dentists.  Children  also  donned  their
       chef’s  hat  as  the  little  chefs  cooked  up
       meatball  pasta.  They  were  given  a  pasta
       choice  of  either  spaghetti  (yellow  yarn)  or
       linguine  (yellow  paper)  and  counted  the
       number  of  meatballs  they  wanted  for  the  dish.

       Children  watched  a  video  of  kids  making
       meatball  pasta  and  reacted  by  saying,  “I  like
       pasta”,  “I  want  to  eat  pasta”  and  “Why  only
       have    two    meatball?”     What     cute    little
       MasterChefs  in  the  making!
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