Page 3 - 2020 유치원 10월 뉴스레터
P. 3
Gayle) started the party with a Halloween story The K(HaNeul) had fun exploring about outer
entitled, The Gruffalo. They were divided in space. They discovered the names of the
groups and were engaged in different activities planets through songs, quizzes and stories.
at the various stations. Children had fun Children were fascinated when they discovered
decorating their witch hats with sequins and the different properties of the planets and how
glitter. They were brave to follow the eerie trail special planet Earth is. They discovered that a
to lead the spider to its home. Children galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust and
continued the fun by counting treats to fill the billions of stars and their solar systems. Our
pumpkins according to the number shown on galaxy, the Milky Way also has a supermassive
the pumpkins. They also enjoyed stacking the black hole in the middle which was shared in
‘ghosts’ and enjoyed even more toppling them one of their Show and Tell. Children were
over. Children were tickled by the faces on the thrilled to create their own galaxy. They
cups and even mimicked the expressions. sprayed paints of various consistencies on
Children captured the fun times they had at the black paper to create space and added glitter
Halloween photo booth and danced the party as their stars. Children pasted their planets
away to Michael Jackson’s Thriller. from a previous lesson and had their photos
taken to attach it to their astronaut cut-outs. It
was amazing to see the children engaged in
this two-day activity, helping one another out
with the correct order of the planets and to
see their perseverance in completing the