Page 4 - 2020 유치원 10월 뉴스레터
P. 4
N2 and K (YoulMae)
11월 월중 행사
This month both classes N-2 and K(YoulMae)
11월 14일(토) Deepavali
were involved in a lot of fun and creative
11월 16일(월) ~ 12월 4일(금) 학부모상담
activities related to the “Outer Space” theme.
The children trained like real astronauts by 11월 20일(금) 교통안전교육의 날
doing a challenging obstacle course, they
learned about gravity and galaxies, and revised
당신은 사랑받기 위해 태어난 사람
interesting facts about planets, stars and
famous astronauts too! The N-2 created 10월에 태어난 우리 SKIS어린이들입니다. 생일을
amazing galaxies out of dough and moon craft 진심으로 축하하며, 건강하고 지혜롭게 자라서 이 세상에
with craters! The K(YoulMae) made a blueprint 기쁨과 희망을 주는 사람이 되기를 바랍니다.
of their imaginary planets and made up facts
about them too (such as:what is the name of
the planet, who lives on their planet, what is
the planet made of?) After following their K 열매반 왕유빈(10.8), 정재현(10.18),
blueprints they were ready to design their own
강규이(10.26), 황은혜(10.29)
planets with play dough too. At the end of the
K 하늘반 황승범(10.5), 남민우(10.10)
week, the children also took part in a Space
Quiz. It was very impressive to see how the 배정민(10.27)
children’s knowledge about “Outer Space”
really shone through!