Page 3 - 2019 뉴스레터 11월(유치원)
P. 3
listening and working on their fine motor skills. what they’d learnt throughout the week; the
One of the tasks was to make vehicles using journey of a letter through postal services, and
apple slices, bananas, grapes, blueberries, the extensive routes and roads that bus drivers
chocolate biscuits and toothpicks. For example, undertake to transport people safely to their
the children needed two toothpicks to stick destinations. Overall, the children were stimulated
them in apples slices and placed four slices of and provoked to think outside the box of
bananas on the ends of each toothpick as conventional occupations, and to fully engage
wheels. Everyone loved to take part in this in the process of cultivating a desire to search
activity, as it was quite easy, and more for an occupation that suits them best.
importantly very yummy!
12월 월중 행사
Occupation Review
MS. TAMMY 12월 6일(금) : 유초연계 2차
12월 20일(금) : 크리스마스 콘서트
During our ‘Occupation’ week, the K2
12월 25일(수) : 크리스마스
students were involved in immersive lessons
where they experienced different types of jobs;
the specific roles and responsibilities required
당신은 사랑받기 위해 태어난 사람
and developed an understanding for why we
need a variety of people to fulfill these 12월에 태어난 우리 SKIS어린이들입니다. 생일을
vocations. 진심으로 축하하며, 건강하고 지혜롭게 자라서 이 세
상에 기쁨과 희망을 주는 사람이 되기를 바랍니다.
N 씨앗반
윤윤식(12.1), 박지유(12.9), 황로이(12.14)
K1 - 1 꽃잎반
As such, they began to create artworks that
K1 - 2 햇살반
not only promoted unity and teamwork but also
creativity and a basic exploration of colour
theory. Through these activities of creating a K2 열매반
mailbox (where they participated enthusiastically) 박윤범(12.21), 박재익(12.28)
and a bus - these reinforced knowledge of