Page 4 - 2019 뉴스레터 10월(유치원)
P. 4
and plastic blocks) the students were then
placed into groups and had to brainstorm
ideas to build a house that was sturdy. The
activity allowed students to be active
participants in their social development, by
learning how to share ideas and discuss them.
We continued to practice these social elements
throughout the week as students were placed
into various groups. Not only has these
activities encouraged students to explore
mathematical and scientific processes in a fun
and playful manner, but in a way that is
experiential and beneficial for their overall
academic success. They thoroughly enjoyed
themselves, as seen in the photos.
11월 월중 행사
11월 4일(월) : YEAR BOOK 사진촬영일
11월 8일(금) : K학급 현장학습(Diggersite)
11월 15일(금) : Friendship Day (K2)
11월 18일(월) ~ 11월 29일(금) :
2학기 유치원 학부모 상담주간
당신은 사랑받기 위해 태어난 사람
11월에 태어난 우리 SKIS어린이들입니다. 생일을
진심으로 축하하며, 건강하고 지혜롭게 자라서 이 세
상에 기쁨과 희망을 주는 사람이 되기를 바랍니다.
N 씨앗반
K1 - 1 꽃잎반
이채윤(11.18), 최여준(11.25)
K1 - 2 햇살반
K2 열매반