Page 116 - 2020 교육계획서(유치원)
P. 116
2020학년도 학교교육계획(유치원)
4-3 Collaboration Day
가. To bring K2 students and first-graders together so they can share experiences.
나. To give K2 students the chance to ask first-graders questions about K2 and
1st grade.
◆ Term 1: 1st Semester
• K2 will set up game stations throughout the hall.
• Students will be broken into groups and rotate to new stations at the sound of
the whistle.
• Once all stations are complete, K2 students will be one team and G1 will be
another team. They will compete in a game against each other.
• K2 will provide snacks for both grade levels to enjoy after the games while
students can talk among themselves.
◆ Term 2: 2nd Semester
• G1 will set up game stations throughout the hall.
• Students will be broken into groups and rotate to new stations at the sound of
the whistle.
• Once all stations are complete, G1 students will be one team and K2 will be
another team. They will compete in a game against each other.
• G1 will provide snacks for both grade levels to enjoy after the games while
students can talk amongst themselves.
Activity Guidelines
가. K2 teachers explain stations/ games and split students into groups
나. K2 teachers (English and Korean) and Grade 1 teachers will man the stations
다. Station rotation at the sound of the whistle
라. Team activity (K2 vs. Grade 1) after all stations are completed
마. Snacks served after station and team activities are completed
바. Saying goodbye to each other and cleaning up activities
112 ◂◂ 싱가포르한국국제학교