Page 97 - 2020 교육계획서(유치원)
P. 97

Ⅲ. SKIS 교육 중점 과제

                1-2  Friendship Day


              가.  To  bring  students  from  different  cultural  and  linguistic  backgrounds  together

              나.  To  teach  students  about  different  cultures  and  traditions
              다.  To  teach  students  respect  for  other  cultures  as  well  as  instill  a  sense  of  pride
                   in  sharing  their  own  culture
              라.  To  foster  a  friendly  and  supportive  relationship  between  SKIS  and  other
                      International  Schools  in  Singapore

                Operation  Policy

              가.  SKIS  will  set  up  at  least  two  stations  during  their  day  to  host,  including  but
                 not  limited  to  Korean  snacks.
              나.  Senior  administrators  should  be  present  for  both  the  opening  and  closing
                      ceremonies  and  deliver  a  one-minute  speech.

                  Detailed  Promotion  Plan

              ◆  Activity  Guideline:
                  ·  Opening  ceremony  and  speech  by  one  of  the  principals
                  ·  Rotating  stations  between  the  two  schools.  (The  host  school  will  provide  the
                    activities.)  Students  will  be  put  into  groups  and  led  by  teachers  and  group

                    leaders.  The  aim  will  be  to  create  communicative  activities  in  English  for  the
                    students  to  engage  in  that  also  explore  that  school’s  culture.
                  ·  When  SKIS  hosts,  Korean  snacks  will  also  be  served  so  students  can  share
                    and  talk  about  traditional  Korean  foods.
                  ·  Closing  ceremony  and  speech  by  the  Principal  of  the  host  school

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