Page 3 - 2019 뉴스레터 9월(유치원)
P. 3
을 만들어 쓰고, 전통 춤도 함께 추었습니다. 마지 continents, flags and cultures! “The continent
막엔, 엄마 아빠 마음 속 깊은 얘기를 아이에게 전 song” was sang by the students every day!
달하는 시간도 가졌습니다. 짧은 시간이었지만, 다
른 문화를 체험해보고 다른 나라에 관심을 갖는
시간이 되었고, 앞으로의 우리 가족 세계 여행을 K2 Class : Malaysia
위해 적금을 하자는 계획도 세워보는 계기가 되는
소중한 시간이었습니다.
As part of the International Day celebrations,
the K2 class were introduced to culture of
Malaysia. The students and their parents were
given a demonstration on a popular Malaysian
dish ‘Rojak’, The dish consisted of diced fruits
such as pineapple, guava, rose apple, green
apple and diced vegetables such as turnip and
cucumber. The main ingredient for the gravy
다시 한번, 유치원에 많은 관심을 가지고 활동에 was fried peanuts, a common ingredient in
적극적으로 참여하여 주신 학부모님께 감사의 말씀 many Malaysian dishes.
을 드리며 앞으로도 지속적인 관심 부탁드립니다. The students and parents then displayed
their creativity in mixing their own version of
‘Rojak’. Well done!
K1 Class : Poland
10월 월중 행사
Last week, K1-1, and K1-2 learned about
my country of origin- Poland! I was so 10월 3일(목) : 개천절 (휴원)
pleased to see how involved the children were 10월 9일(수) : 한글날 (휴원)
in the lessons and activities surrounding the 10월 11일(금) : K학급 현장학습
Polish theme! We made beautiful white eagles-
the national symbol of Poland, the ‘’Wawel’’
10월 16일(수), 17일(목) : 중국어, 태권도
dragons, as well as the colorful folk art! We
학부모 공개수업
also danced “Polonez”, and played games,
such as” The old bear is sleeping”. 10월 21일(월) ~ 10월 25일(금) : 중간 방학
It was a very busy month for us, but it was 10월 28일(월) : Deepavali (휴원)
amazing to see how much the children liked to
explore and learned about different countries,