Page 4 - 2020 유치원 9월 뉴스레터
P. 4

The  K-Haneul  class  explored  Australia  or  what
       is  commonly  referred  to  as  Down  Under  as
       part  of  International  Week.  They  created  the

       Australian  flag  through  pointillism,  an  art
       technique  by  Georges  Seurat  and  showed
       perseverance  in  completing  their  flags.  Children
       also  created  a  giant  koala  as  a  class  for  the                   N2  and  K  (YoulMae)
       game,  Pin  the  Koala’s  Nose  and  discovered
       that  the  koala  is  not  a  bear  but  rather  a                                                                                         Evie
       marsupial.    Children    were     fascinated    at       This  is  the  paragraph  about  the  Intenrational
       discovering  the  different  Australian  animals  and   day:
       their  characteristics.  They  left  in  awe  when  they   This  year,  during  the  International  Day,  children
       discovered    that   the    wombat’s     poop     is    learned  all  about  Australia.  They  took  part  in  a
       cube-shaped  and  that  the  kookaburra,  a  native     lot  of  fun  games,  activities  and  made  beautiful
       to  eastern  Australia  makes  a  very  familiar  call   art  and  craft.  One  of  the  activities  for  K
       sounding    like   raucous     laughter.   Children     (YoulMae)  class  was  to  create  yoga  poses
       wrapped  up  International  Week  with  The  Great      which  would  represent  different  native  animals
       Australian  Quiz  and  a  food  tasting  session
                                                               but  also  famous  landmark  of  Australia.  The
       comprising    of    hotdogs,    barbequed      corn
                                                               poses  ranged  from:  “Uluru”,  “Sydney  Harbour
       kernels,  chips  and  an  Australian  favourite,
                                                               Bridge”,  “Sydney  Opera  House”,  but  also
       TimTams.  Children  enjoyed  the  mouth-watering
                                                               “Kookaburra”,  “Platypus”,  or  even  “Emu”.  The
       food  and  exciting  games.  Till  next  month,
                                                               children  from  N2  class  loved  to  learn  about  the
       Hooroo  mates!  (Australian  slang for  goodbye)
                                                               traditional  Aboriginal  Culture  and  really  enjoyed
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