Page 45 - Fermanagh & Omagh PCSP 1
P. 45
Many people who are SUPPORTS
being abused do not see
themselves as victims. Domestic and Sexual
People often think of Abuse Helpline
domestic 0808 802 1414
violence as physical
violence, such as helplines/
hitting. However, Fermanagh Women’s Aid
domestic violence can 028 6632 8898
also take other forms, www.fermanagh
such as psychological,
emotional, or sexual Omagh Women’s Aid
abuse. 028 8224 1414
Mens Action Network
Call the police Get support Find a safe place Get medical help 028 71377777
If you feel from friends and Sometimes If you have
you are in family the only way been hurt,
danger from Tell your to be safe is go to the Men’s Advisory Project
your abuser supportive to leave your hospital or your
at any time, call family, home for a doctor. Sometimes 028 90241929
999. The Police friends and while. There are you may not know
can protect you co-workers what shelters that you are hurt, Rainbow Project
and help you has happened can help you and what
leave your home and to keep a move to seems like a small 02871 283030
safely. look out a different home injury could be a
for you. big one.
helps to alert police when
you are in imminent
danger but are too scared
Keep a Personalized Safety Plan or unable to speak.
If you are in an abusive relationship, 1. Dial 999
think about ... 2. Listen to the questions
• Having important phone numbers nearby from the 999 call operator
for you and your children. 3. Respond by coughing
• Friends or neighbours you could tell about or tapping the handset
if you can
the abuse. Ask them to call the police if 4. If prompted press 55.
they hear angry or violent noises. This lets the 999 call
• How to get out of your home safely. operator know that it is
Practice ways to get out. a genuine emergency
• Safer places in your home where there and you will be put
are exits and no weapons. through to
the police.
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