Page 30 - Maya's Voice PDF
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111 pal>IK s,c,11111,:s. s• cll u sd•~ ,;;f~~ ~''"'(" thf- sllppc,n thq nc,:J 10 0 1n,om,: th,· 3nx1c1y S~I 1 ,
b,:~';!:!: ·,:"::~· ;~,~:n!:,rrov. ,nd earl~ ,ntC"n·cnlwn 1s crucial Witho ut tho: prop..·1 hdp . SM, ll -I
lud to fUIUR' soc1al uid cmo1 10111I prc,bkm~
Ouc of our t•·o ,:1r~s ,:.tpcncr~d~:l.,,~~r;~:c~i~fn~•;~~;-~:~ 0•~::;~s;~~);lr :0:~ 1 ~ h::ti'1b~~~~:~~. ir~g~s~;:
::;:~~)M- ~a) 8,e,c-au.s< 0f our lad,: l)f 31•:.orrnc'-~ o>f SM . 11c rcson e_d lo r,·:\~,,n 1111! " 1 1.h
~ rand re.,,frd sntcmi 10 c-nC'CNlni!'c htt 10 SJ'l<'ak. Aflcr m..i n_y mon ths o f pr,:-sch1hll 11 uh no pr.•i:11·, , h,·r
~~h:°~~r~;:;d~!:~:~;::;_"1~;~:;t ,:ni:,~i;~h:hJ~~~;s~~~ ~~os!tc;~;D;~~ 1:1/~r~:·o~~·c.~1•~~~s~~~~~;o1:t;
knu, • ·c neC'dC'd to s«k hdr
After a \()I of b.te m~hl rcs1"3tC-h. ••c were rcll<','C'd to fil>d h1crat~rc de" timg o ur ch1hl's c-xpc.•nen,·,• ~:itt,·,t
I t SM . We- sough1 adncc- from profru1o nal psycholo1ists and dev1SC'd 3 plan to help our child W,• m,·t " tlh
the prc:Khool dnc-,:-lor and her tc-ach<-n am! 1ogc~rd1scusSC'd the first step" They 1n;..· lud,·d \\!I.~, In ..i lk , 1 :i.1,·
111< pr~J.ure for May,1 10 spell: as ,.,ell .is ... -ays 10 divert her preschool friends ' co n\'c.'tsat101h fr,, 111 .. ~1:1\.:a
d~sn·1 talk- 10 - Maya d~i, talk :and •111 when she 1s ready." O,·er the ,·our"· o f th,• ~,::1r. \q• rq; ul .:a ~l,
checked 1n •·1th the tc.achcn lo di,:c uss hN progress and next stc-ps . Our top pnont y ..,. a,. :i i..,. a , ,. 1,1 111 :i~;.
sare she bad the o pporlunil)•. but frh no prcss11rc.10 spc.d:. The process of supporl in~ h,·, )P,:'.,·,· h 111 ih,·
classroom began w11h group songs and mm•croenls. When f,.hy,1 frlt mo r,· n m1f,ir tahk \\ ilh nonv.: rtia l
forms of expression, tM teachers mo,·cd to stmplc - yes./no- questions. Gauging h,·r l',·:1d111,·)" alon"
the "'Y· 1hc lc:acbc:u easrJ 1n10 dose-cnJcJ choices like ··Which cupcal..c 17:i,or ,,t,ulJ , ,n1 11 1..,•''" 311 j
gradu.illy trans111oncd into inert~51ngly mort open-ended prompts. ll was a long and J1·11 1,·uh J,,ur nn
~~~t~u;huf~ hcartacht. but the ded1c11cd and p•llcnt teachers work.:d with our fa mily to help o ur lillk ,, 11 ~.
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