Page 32 - Maya's Voice PDF
P. 32




                         Maya  is a bright•cycd. inquisitive little girl
                         who loves to share her sweet voice;  Hut when
                         she started school. she loses thc-COnfidcncc lo
                         USC  her voice and goes about her school days
                         in silence.  With time. paticll~~~j1dcrstanding.
                         discovers her sweet voic(? at"s  .  ,t~
                         and  love from all  !~~SC -;.~o~,elij<','t'Maya
                                     '  '_1_,~,
                         Sl'lc-ctivc Mutism (SM) is a (·h:'. _ _  .   }f,·'.:
                         that is c harnct1.•rizcd 1by  i\_,__·hild"s mQhj   -~,;icak  in
                         puhhc places. such as ~h\~_. dc-sri~~\~~,&~ lly
                         al home.  Too many childrC"J1~µ-ug~lc   and·fnil
                         to rl"n·ivc thl· ht•lp they need doc to 1hC 1.ick of publi<.•
                         awan•ncss.  II  is our hopl' that through Muya_'s story, we
                         can help people- aprrcciatl' the st_ruggles and iriumphs
                         of children  who suffor from Select Mutism.   /
    Cover 1llustniollons copynght
    C2013Wen-Wen Cheng
    maya~vo1ce wuc comlplciufebook
    moya~'IOirepicturebook@gmatl com
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