Page 23 - Winter 2012
P. 23

Brits 4:Layout 1  07/01/2013  09:18  Page 1

              COOKSTOWN TEAM                                                                               23
              COOKSTOWN TEAM
                 WIN THE FOURS
                 WIN THE FOURS
                   FOR IRELAND
                    FOR IRELAND
            England’s  Glyn  Berrisford,  James
            Bucknall,  Martin  Symcock  &  Chris
            Kearns opened up with an important 9
            - 2 win over Wales’ Ben Haddon, Tom
            Brown, Ben Jackson & Malcolm Mor-
            gan. Scotland’s Tom Hamilton, Ronnie
            Flood,  David  Scott  &  John  Kinghorn
            also opened up with a 13 - 8 victory
            over Jayne Smith, Christine Holland,
            Clare Hussain & Josh French from the
            Isle-of-Man.                                  Fours Winners Ireland’s Glen Smith, Alan Paul,
                  The  Irish  four  of  Mark  Wilson,      Mark Wilson & Colin Hogg with ESMBA Presi-
            Alan Paul, Glen Smith & Colin Hogg             dent George Clark and England’s runners-up
            opened up with a 14 - 6 win over Scot-            Martin Symcock, Glyn Berrisford, James
            land, whilst England beat the Isle-of-                     Bucknall & Chris Kearns
            Man  by 14 shots to 3.
                  The IOM four suffered another defeat in the next round when Wales beat them 10 - 7 in a
            tight match. The English run was firmly ended when The Irish four of Mark Wilson, Alan Paul,
            Glen Smith & Colin Hogg beat them comfortably with a 12 - 4 scoreline. Ireland then continued
            on their winning way with a 15 - 3 win with all their shots coming in an eight end run from ends
            two to nine. Finishing this round, Scotland’s Tom Hamilton, Ronnie Flood, David Scott & John
            Kinghorn ended with victory by 14 - 8, even though they dropped a five on the last end to Wales’
            Ben Haddon, Tom Brown, Ben Jackson & Malcolm Morgan.
                  In the final round England needed Ireland to lose in order to give them a chance at winning
            the fours title. They easily defeated the Scots four by 11 shots to 3 but the result was never in
            doubt after Ireland opened up with a 3 - 3 - 5 sequence to lead 11 - 0 over Wales and in the end
            Mark Wilson, Alan Paul, Glen Smith & Colin Hogg remained undefeated and finally beat the
            Welsh four by 21 - 6.

            The British Isles Championships started in 1986 and for the first two years (England & Ireland)
            we played on short mats but on the next two years we played on the short games in Scotland
            and Wales. They were similar games but not Short Mat bowls. The all short mat championships
            started in 1990. Each team consists of four rinks with the total shots across the four rinks decid-
            ing the winners. On our short mats, Ireland has won the Team Championships 23 times with
            England winning two and Wales one
                  England are the reigning Champions but as usual, Ireland were the favourites. England’s
            opening match was against Wales, who are always up to beat England and this is the way the
            match went with Wales winning 35 shots to 29.
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