Page 25 - Layout 1
P. 25

Page 25:Layout 1  09/04/2015  10:27  Page 1

                                                  For the few idiots who thinkthat bowling from a chute     25
                                                  is an advantage (and it has been said) - you’re talking
                                                  from your rear end!
                                                        On the left we have a Drakes Pride “Bowling Arm” for
                                                  those who can’t bend or have a week arm. It grips the bowl
                                                  and as you swing it forward you press/squeeze down the top
                                                  release and the bowl is delivered. I have seen these used to
                                                  very great effect.

                 OTHER AIDS
                 OTHER AIDS
           I was having difficulty holding and control-
           ling the bowl due to the effects of Parkin-
           son’s  disease. A  fellow  member  of  the
           Skeabost Bowling Club noted these prob-
           lems and designed and made the "Wid-
           get" for me.
                 It consists of a three-sided wooden
           box on wheels, adjustable to accommo-
           date different sized bowls, with a fixed
           short handle.
                 I sit on a stool to bowl and, holding
           the handle of the "Widget", with the bowl
           placed in the box section, I push the "Widget" forwards to release the bowl down the mat. The de-
           sign is easy to replicate and the "Widget" has outstanding benefits for me as it enables me to con-
           tinue playing the sport I enjoy. I believe it could also benefit bowlers with other medical conditions
           which cause problems with arm, wrist or hand movements.
                 Paul Hutchinson  Portree, Isle-of-Sky

                                                   1) So I was getting into my car, and this bloke says to me
                                                   "Can you give me a lift?" I said 'Sure, you look great, the
                                                   world's your oyster, go for it.'
                                                   2)  I  met  a  Dutch  girl  with  inflatable  shoes  last  week,  I
                                                   phoned her up to arrange a date but unfortunately she'd
                                                   popped her clogs.
                                                   3) One day a waiter fell sick and was rushed to hospital. He
                                                   was lying on the table in great pain. When a doctor passed
                                                   by the waiter said: “Hey doctor, could you do something for
                                                   my pain?” The doctor said: “I’m sorry this isn’t my table.”
                                                   4) I said to the waiter: “There is no chicken in this
                  chicken soup.” He said: “And there’s no horse in the horseradish either.”
                 5) I said: “How long will my spaghetti be?” The waiter said: “I don’t know. We never
                 measure it.”
                 6) I met my wife at a dance. I thought she was at home with the kids.
                 7) My wife dislocated her jaw and couldn’t talk so I phoned the doctor and told him to
                 drop round anytime, in a few weeks or a few months.
                 8) My wife had a bad habit of biting her nails but I cured her. I hid her teeth.
                 9) You can lead a horse to water but teach him to lie on his back and float and
                 you’ve got something.
                 10) I sleep like a baby. Every morning I wake up screaming around 2 o’clock.
                 11) My wife complained that her feet hurt. I said: “You’ve got your shoes on the wrong feet.”
                  She said: “But these are the only feet I’ve got.”
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