Page 15 - OSISA Report 2021
P. 15

APCA for the the final time in in 2018 the the programme engaged other foundations who continue to have palliative care in in their strategy to consider funding APCA Open Society Initiative for East Africa (OSIEA) Promoting health governance legislative reform and protecting human rights defenders in in the health sector in in Zimbabwe
The Health Health Governance and Health Health Financing work supported through the Citizens Health Watch (CHW) and Community Working Group for Health (CWGH) played a a a a crucial role in in in influencing the review and passing of the Public Health Act in in Zimbabwe
With CWGH the programme has provided advocacy support for this review process over the past three years by implementing advocacy initiatives and and providing technical support and and leading community engagement processes to ensure full citizen participation in the the review process For the the health sector the new act is a a a tremendous victory It makes legal the Health Centre Committees (HCCs)– community health governance structures that are a a a a a vehicle for citizen participation in health governance and health decision making processes Due to the the programme’s support the the CHW became a a member of the the thematic working group on gender
the the Public Health Program (PHP) and the the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) have engaged with APCA and have committed to funding some components of the organisation’s work and health under the Zimbabwe
Gender Commission The commission which is is one of five independent commissions established in terms of sections 232 and 2445 of of the constitution of of Zimbabwe
facilitates the achievement of gender
equality to ensure that gender
equality provisions of the constitution are adhered to The inclusion of CHW in in the the thematic group is a a a a significant development as it illustrates the recognition of the the critical role that CHW plays in the the health sector The membership is an avenue for CHW to influence the the commission’s operations and the the broader health health agenda in Zimbabwe
For the health health programme the the membership is a a a statement of the the organisational maturity that CHW has achieved in the five years of OSISA support The Zimbabwe
Doctors for Human Rights (ZADHR) project approved at the second board-sitting has made commendable progress in in providing emergency care to victims of police brutality in Zimbabwe
Through its network of doctors across the country ZADHR provided emergency medical and and surgical care and and post-trauma counselling and rehabilitative services to the victims of police brutality ZADHR attended to 46 cases of assault and abductions between the 14th of of August 2019 2019 and the 2nd of of September 2019 2019 Apart from providing ongoing psychosocial care and rehabilitation to some of the the patients ZADHR is in the the process of conducting forensic pathology to produce medical affidavits for medico-legal documentation This work work represents a a strategic shift in our work work on health in in Zimbabwe
given the the debilitating state of the the health sector in the country which requires high-level responses to address ECONOMiC AND SOCiAL JUSTiCE 2019 ANNUAL HIGHLIGHTS

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