Page 2 - February 2021 PPIAC Newsletter Final_Neat
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      Infringement -

      Jennifer Brown,

      J.D., CLI

      J. Brown Legal


                                                We’re well into February of 2021 and things look to be getting better
                                                both business-wise as well as pandemic wise. And as great as Zoom
                                                meetings are, I’m really missing meeting everyone in person.

                                                Speaking of which, this month’s theme is training, since the Spring
                                                edition of the Colorado Investigative Development Institute (CIDI) is
                                                on the 26  and 27 , which is only a week from Friday.  For more
                                                information, check out the details at
                                                4098740. Even if you attended the last one, I know several of the
              Training:                         classes have been completely revised with additional materials.
                                                You’re not going to want to miss it!
           SPRING CIDI
                                                There are two things I need your help with this month: first is a
              (Colorado                         general call for articles that we can share with the members in this
             Investigative                      newsletter. If you have experience, we have members that are trying
            Development                         to learn everything they can about this profession. Please submit
               Institute)                       your article to

       January 26  & 27 ,                       The second thing is about marketing for P.I.’s. I’m researching for an
                 2021                           article (or a Zoom training class) on how viable it is to use
                                                Thumbtack, Haro, and (gasp!) Craigslist for getting more business. If
        FREE TO PPIAC                           you have any experience with these avenues, please let me know. I

             MEMBERS                            need to know what works and what doesn’t, hopefully by not re-
                                                inventing the wheel in the process. My email is

                                                Thanks, and have a safe February.
         SIGN UP HERE                           Rod Gagnon

                                                PPIAC President

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