Page 3 - February 2021 PPIAC Newsletter Final_Neat
P. 3
March 3, 2021
with the
Investigator Web
Capture Tool
Designed for
Join our monthly
trainings via Zoom.
Board meeting
4:30-5:30 p.m. I hope you are well, and your families are also healthy and safe.
(voting members If February is a barometer of how 2021 is going, this will be a very
welcome) good year for training!
With 2020 now out of the way, everyone is suddenly trying to
catch up. 2020 is like a ‘lost year’ for work, education, and
6:00 – 6:30 p.m. networking; things ground to a halt and people simply ‘went
Networking underground’ as the lockdowns settled into place. Now that it’s
February, it seems that ‘continuing education’ is the phrase of the
year for associations and organizations across the nation.
6:30 p.m. General
Meeting Despite the fact that our PI licenses will be phased out sometime
this year, we should all strive to improve ourselves or even learn a
new skillset. As long as you don’t stand still in your education, you
Email will always bring your best self to the table for your clients. As members, benefits include at least eight monthly training
for login info sessions. This year, we are providing a Detective Agency Startup
Institute in the spring, and a Theory of Surveillance seminar in the
summer. Our conference is set for September and depending on
the restrictions due to Covid-19, it will either be in person or
If you have an idea for a training topic, or know of a speaker that