Page 8 - February 2021 PPIAC Newsletter Final_Neat
P. 8
records requests for private investigators who do not meet the permissible purposes
of DPPA.
It is important to understand that there are legitimate, permissible purposes for access
to DMV records, and PIs must ensure they do indeed meet those legitimate and
permissible purposes prior to requesting DMV records. Some state DMV offices are
viewing the websites of PIs who are requesting DMV records, and any who advertise
services which to not meet the DPPA purposes are automatically being disqualified
from records access. This, of course, is overreaching on the part of DMV offices.
However, PIs should carefully consider decisions to advertise services on their
websites which do not have legal, legitimate and/or permissible purposes as defined
by existing federal and state laws.
Robert Orozco
VP of Legislation
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