Page 13 - November PPIAC Newsletter Published
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The list has also been helpful in connecting dots in more than one case.
There’s great value in being able to look at a name and immediately see
several past associates from a case that closed years earlier. It’s one step
shy of an ever-expanding set of link charts, like a watered-down version of
getting to see a person’s list of Facebook friends regardless of their privacy
settings. I can see at a glance who’s related to whom and who associates
with a specific person. A few times it’s helped me find someone who nobody
else could locate - including the person’s own attorney!
My memory has always been pretty good for recognizing and recalling
names and faces. It feels good to be pretty confident that I’ve never worked
for or against a specific person. However, it’s better to be 100% sure. I
cannot overstate the value in being able to quickly scan a list of names and
be certain of whether or not I have previously dealt with a specific person in
any capacity.
The further I get in to my career as a professional investigator, the more I’m
relieved that I started and maintain a conflict check list. Are you interested in
starting a list for future use? Start today. Slowly add names from current and
past cases. It’s not as hard or time consuming as it sounds. By this time next
year, you’ll see how helpful it is to have this information at your fingertips.
You’ll also find out how impressed many clients are when you say “Hang on,
let me check my conflict list.”
Sam Petitto
Senior Director at Large
Thank you to our 2020 Conference