Page 140 - Gan's Family History
P. 140

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Although a great admirer of Liu lived a long life and served
Zhang, each of Yan's strokes (figure fewer than three different Tang
35) was serious, unlike Zhang's wild emperors. He is perhaps best
and crazy brushwork. Yan was remembered for some very honest
accomplished in Xing Shu (Walking and famous advice that he gave to
Style) and Cao Shu (Running Style), Emperor Tang Muzhong. The
both of which he wrote in a very Emperor had asked Liu to tell him
natural way, accomplishing his best the most important rule for using a
work when, ironically, he was angry brush and Liu, risking his life
or sad. One of his finest works was perhaps, answered that
an obituary written for his nephew "If a man is honest and upright,
who had been killed in a rebellion. just, and fair minded, then his
Although there are many corrections calligraphy will be upright and
in his best pieces, the nephew's correct as well."
obituary in particular has been The Tang emperor chose to take Liu’s
compared to the famed Orchid advice rather than throwing him in
Pavilion Preface. Yan left behind jail for impertinence. This theory,
more than 20 masterpieces of his Kai that if your heart is upright your
Shu (Regular Style), many of which brush is upright, is well known, even
are still very useful to beginners if it is not always true.
today. Liu studied the calligraphy of the
two Wangs, OuYang Xun, Yan
Liu Gongquan Zhenqing, and Li Yong. He also
(778-865 A.D.) dissected animals and studied their
anatomy. The flying action of wild
Liu Gongquan was an upright, geese across the sky, the rhythm of
honest, and principled minister of swimming fish, and the running of a
the Tang Dynasty who developed a deer, which he felt was thin, light,
style of Kai Shu (Regular Style) that and skeletal, all influenced him.
is still widely used in the teaching of From of his observations, and his
calligraphy. He and Yan Zhenqing adoption of some of Yan's muscle and
are often mentioned together as Ou's style of structure, his own style
being among the great masters of Kai of Kai Shu (Regular Style) (Figure 38)
Shu (Regular Style), although their emerged.
two styles differ greatly. Yan's is thick Because he was a Buddhist, most
and muscle bound, while Liu's is slim of his masterpieces are related to
and skeletal; both are powerful but Buddhism. He was a very popular
one is like muscle bound wrestlers writer of memorials for stone tablets
while the other is more like a and any son of that era was
lightweight boxer. For the past few considered unfilial if he did not
hundred years Chinese primary and request that Liu write a composition
secondary school students who learn in honour of the deceased parent. Liu
Kai Shu (Regular Style) do so from is said to have worked so hard at his
Liu's and Yan's masterpieces. practice of calligraphy and his

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