Page 18 - Growing Old Without a Plan for Long Term Care is not for Sissies_Neat
P. 18
x Growing Old Without a Plan for Long Term Care is not for Sissies I’ll answer. However, many of them can only be answered by you as you create your plan. Now let’s get you started on your plan for long term care, shall we? Note: In this book “long term care” and “extended care” will be used interchangeably. The more common term used for the past thirty years is “long term care” but I think a more accurate term might be “extended care”. Long term care brings to mind a need for care measured in years when the reality is that we need to plan for a need for extended care that might be as short as a few months or as long as several years. You will see “nursing home” and “skilled care facility” used inter- changeably too. I like the term skilled care facility better because it more accurately describes what happens there and because for many, nursing home has a negative connotation. Links: If you are reading an e-book version of Growing Old Without a Plan for Long Term Care is not for Sissies you will fnd several links in the text and at the end of the book. Links found within the text will be underlined. If you are reading a print version, look in the back for links. I’ve tried to use short urls whenever possible. If you fnd any broken links, please send me an e-mail at jcates@ and let me know so I can get them corrected.
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