Page 32 - C:\Users\Abdul Kadir Bagis\Documents\@SANTI\Flip Book\Vocabulary Creatively Audio
P. 32
the literature on creativity shows that creativity as a
multidimensional concept can be defined in terms of
product, person, and process. It may be also be defined in
terms of personal and environmental conditions that press
an individual toward creative behavior. Munandar (1995)
has referred to the definition of creativity as the four P’s
of creativity: product, person, press, and process.
2. Characteristics of a Creative Person
The creative individual possesses many distinct
attributes or characteristics by which he can be identified and
that significantly differentiate him from those who are less
creative or even noncreative.
Before describing those attributes in detail, it should be
pointed out that no one individual could hope to possess all
of these in a uniformly high degree. Rather, the descriptions
should be taken as a composite profile of the "ideal' creative
individual. There are many gradations in the attributes and
skills creative people possess. But all of them have at least
some of these attributes in common to earn the appellation
"creative.' Also, certain assemblies or combinations of
ideational dexterity frequently compensate for many
attributes that are less developed or have fallen into disuse.