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Lesson 8: Bully Dawgs- Don’t Be A Bully
A.) Words Matter
You probably heard the old phrase, “sticks and stones can
break my bones but words can never hurt me”. While this may be true in a physical aspect, words can’t break your bones, but emotionally words can surely hurt you. If someone says something mean or teases us, even if they are just clowning around, sometimes it can make us feel bad, sad, and even mad.
These hurtful feelings can cause us to react in a negative
way. We may want to cause somebody else to feel the same pain we feel, which only causes more pain for everyone.
Scenario: Pugsy and Willie
Pugsy was from the Pug breed. Pugs naturally have flat faces and deep wrinkly skin. Willy the wiener dog teased Pugsy about her unique inherited features in front of the other puppies. Pugsy would laugh along with Willy, even though it really hurt her feelings on the inside.
Willy had his own unique features with his extra long body and short stubby legs.
Pugsy could have teased him in return, but she chose not to because she did not want to hurt Willy’s feelings or start a word war with her friend.
So one day when Willy’s jokes got out of hand Pugsy took him aside and told him that he wouldn’t like it if she teased
him about his long hot-dog body and short stubby legs in
front of the other pups. She explained that he was being
rude, and it hurt her feelings.
Willy realized that Pugsy was right and apologized to her.

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