Page 114 - BOGmanual_2023april
P. 114
• Dr. Angela White-Bazile presented at the NOBC CLE in New Orleans in February 2023.
Expenses: $67.22 Mileage, Toll, and Parking.
• Dr. Angela White-Bazile presented at the Monroe Inn of Court in Monroe in February
2023. Expenses: $356.16 Mileage and Meal.
• Dr. Angela White-Bazile presented at NBA/LJC Conference in Lake Charles in February
2023. Expenses: $824.16 Hotel Accommodations, Mileage and Rental Car.
• Dr. Angela White-Bazile presented at the LSBA’s Seven Points New Orleans CLE in
February 2023. Expenses: $48.77 Mileage and Toll.
• Out-of-State Travel by JLAP Staff Members and Associated Costs
• Dr. Angela White-Bazile presented at the LSBA’s Disney CLE in Florida in February 2023.
Expenses: $1,852.05 Air Fare, Hotel Accommodations, Mileage to Airport, Toll and
• Programs and/or Meetings attended by JLAP
• Dr. Angela White-Bazile attended the JLAP Board Meeting in New Orleans in December
2022. Expenses: $60.25 Mileage, Toll, and Parking.
• Dr. Angela White-Bazile attended the LSBA Staff Holiday Party in New Orleans in
December 2022. Expenses: $62.88 Mileage, Toll, and Parking.
• Jennifer Gros attended “Addiction and Recovery 2022; The Latest Findings from
Neuroscience” CEU in January 2023.
• Dr. Angela White-Bazile and Jennifer Gros attended the Committee on Alcohol and
Drug Abuse virtual CLE in January 2023.
• JLAP Finances and Operations
a) Financials
JLAP’s finances are in order per the attached January 2023, statements (Exhibit A).