Page 117 - BOGmanual_2023april
P. 117
Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program, Inc.
Budget vs. Actual
For the Period July 1, 2022 through January 31, 2023
Actual as of Budget as Over/(Under) Actual as of Total FY23
1/31/23 of 1/31/23 Budget 1/31/22 Budget
5300 Office Expense
5310 Rent 12,966 12,552 414 12,368 21,518
5320 Office supplies/Postage 2,686 3,000 (314) 3,675 5,143
5340 Computer Software and Management 3,150 3,518 (367) 3,370 6,030
5350 Shredding 170 187 (17) 170 327
5360 Telephone & Internet 3,999 3,967 32 3,965 6,800
5385 Utilities for office 1,701 2,297 (596) 1,305 3,938
Total 5300 Office Expense 24,672 25,520 (848) 24,853 43,756
5400 Insurance
5410 Directors and Officers Insuranc - - - - 1,750
5420 Professional Liability 142 400 (258) 140 400
Total 5400 Insurance 142 400 (258) 140 2,150
5500 Education
5520 Law License Dues and Memberships 450 665 (215) 350 1,250
5530 Clinical License Dues - 500 (500) - 1,000
Total 5500 Education 450 1,165 (715) 350 2,250
Total 5000 Program Services 39,180 56,052 (16,871) 39,784 107,081
6000 Support Services - M&G
6300 Office
6310 Office Lease 4,322 4,184 138 4,123 7,173
6320 Supplies/Postage 474 529 (55) 713 908
6340 Computer Software/Management 1,050 1,173 (123) 1,123 2,010
6350 Shredding 30 33 (3) 30 58
6355 Office function 489 375 114 251 750
6360 Telephone and Internet 706 700 6 727 1,200
6380 HR Expenses and Payroll Processing 1,391 1,458 (67) 975 2,500
6385 Utilities 736 766 (30) 803 1,313
6390 LSBA Donation Fees - 25 (25) - 50
Total 6300 Office 9,198 9,243 (45) 8,745 15,961
6400 Insurance
6410 General Liability 874 950 (76) 697 950
6420 workers comp 816 1,560 (744) 751 1,560
Total 6400 Insurance 1,690 2,510 (820) 1,448 2,510
6500 Professional Services -
6510 Accounting and QBs software 1,284 1,458 (175) 1,650 2,500
6515 Audit & Tax Return 6,000 11,000 (5,000) 15,000 17,000
6518 Legal & Professional Fees - 292 (292) 15 500
Total 6500 Professional Services 7,284 12,750 (5,466) 16,665 20,000
6600 Marketing & Community Outreach
6610 Website 243 583 (340) - 1,000
6620 Printing 774 750 24 33 750
6630 Stationery - 500 (500) - 500
6660 Promotional Items 2,345 2,500 (155) 243 3,000
Total 6600 Marketing & Community Outreach 3,361 4,333 (972) 276 5,250
6700 Repairs & Maintenance 282 175 107 - 300
Total 6000 Support Services - M&G 21,815 29,011 (7,196) 27,134 44,021
7000 Capital Expenditures
7110 Furniture & Equipment - 750 (750) - 1,500
7120 Computers - 1,500 (1,500) - 1,500
Total 7000 Capital Expenditures - 2,250 (2,250) - 3,000
Total Expenditures 231,278 326,515 (95,237) 278,858 564,455
Net Operating Revenue 173,814 21,077 152,737 33,048 (44,583)
No Assurance Provided