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Louisiana State Bar Association
               Board of Governors
               January 20 & 21, 2023 Minutes
               Page 5

                          Honoring  50,  60  and  70-Year  Members  and  Joint  Dinner  with  Louisiana  Bar
                          Foundation Board of Directors.
                       g.  Other Matters – Mr. Dwyer reported that he, Committee on the Profession Chair Barry
                          Grodsky  and  Executive  Director  Loretta  Larsen  had  met  with  the  Supreme  Court
                          regarding making the Transition Into Practice (TIP) program mandatory, as previously
                          approved by both the House of Delegates and Board of Governors.
               Agenda Item 14.       Report of the President-Elect – Shayna L. Sonnier
               Ms. Sonnier announced that the 2023-2024 Board of Governors/YLD Council Orientation would
               be held May 4 – 6, 2023, and asked returning Board members to mark their calendars.

               Agenda Item 15.       Report of the Treasurer – Larry J. Centola III
               Mr. Centola waived his report, as all financial matters had been covered elsewhere on the agenda.

               Agenda Item 16.       Report of the Secretary – C.A. “Hap” Martin III
               Mr. Martin reported that the Editorial Board meeting took place January 19 and that he continues
               to be impressed with the work of the Editorial Board and staff.

               Agenda Item 17.       Report of the Immediate Past President – H. Minor Pipes III
               No report given as Mr. Pipes was absent.

               Agenda Item 18.       Report of the Young Lawyers Division Chair – Danielle L. Borel
               Ms. Borel reported as follows:
                   a.  The YLD Professional Development Seminar was held virtually earlier in the day and that
                       a number of excellent speakers presented to 114 participants;
                   b.  There was a Wills for Heroes event in Covington earlier in the day and another event is
                       scheduled for Friday, February 3 in conjunction with the ABA Midyear Meeting in New
                   c.  Planning for the 2023 Young Lawyers Conference is well underway and the YLD recently
                       received a subgrant from ABA which will help offset conference expenses;
                   d.  The YLD will be voting on the young lawyer award winners at its meeting later today,
                       which awards will be presented at the conference. Ms. Borel noted that the YLD leadership
                       is  are  especially  excited  about  the  new  Top  40  Award,  adding  that  there  were  69
                       nominations for the 40 spots.
                   e.  The YLD has been growing its Level Up Learning initiative. They have been working with
                       sections to continue to add more events to give skills training to young lawyers statewide;
                   f.  The YLD has two resolutions on the January 21 House agenda, and asked Board members
                       for their support.
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