Page 123 - BOGmanual_2023april
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• To introduce and engage new leaders and partners into Louisiana’s access to justice work;
• To increase efficiency and impact by strengthening ongoing cooperation, coordination, and
effective communication among access to justice stakeholders;
• To identify priority projects for increasing access to justice; and
• To increase community legal education, outreach, and marketing to people with unmet
legal needs regarding the services and resources available.
Chief Justice John L. Weimer, State Bar Association President Stephen I. Dwyer, and Loyola Law
School Dean Madeleine Landrieu each welcomed the participants of the conclave, articulating
their individual and organizational commitments to access to justice, sharing goals for the
conclave, and thanking participants for attending. President Dwyer noted the need for increased
and coordinated efforts around community legal education and outreach, to ensure that individuals
faced with legal problems can identify their issues and know where to go for help.
Tara Veazey introduced herself as the facilitator, reviewed the goals and agenda, and discussed
shared expectations for the meeting.
Setting the Stage in Louisiana: Access Gaps and Unmet Legal Needs and
Consequences of Unmet Legal Needs
Amy Duncan, the Louisiana State Bar Association Access to Justice Training and Projects
Counsel, presented a summary of recent findings about legal access deserts and the Access to
Justice Commission’s efforts to address those gaps. A full copy of the presentation is available