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•  The  LSBA’s  Lawyers  in  Libraries  Program  is  an  example  of  effective  community
                       education and outreach.  The program used to be based exclusively, physically in local
                       libraries, but went hybrid in 2020 offering online learning sessions via Facebook (“Law
                       Talks”). Through the program, trainings are offered to local library staff.
                   •   LSBA has a resource and referral guide that could be useful for other community education

               Self-Help Information and Forms:  Hon. Jeffrey Cashe, 21st Judicial District Court

                   •  The ATJ Commission's Self Represented Litigants (SRL) Committee is working on several
                       different form projects, guided by a top ten list of SRL forms for development.
                   •  Where possible, the Committee is working toward uniform forms and websites with a push
                       to get more forms accepted by as many judges and courts as possible.
                   •  There are efforts underway to automate some key forms with online Q & A’s that generate
                       completed forms (like © TurboTax).
                   •  You can find a list of ATJ Commission forms here.

               User-Friendly and Accessible Courts: Renee Aguilar, 24th Judicial District Court
               The 24  Judicial District Court engages in multiple activities to improve accessibility for self-
               represented litigants, including:

                   •  Training employees and providing clear signage
                   •  Providing  access  to  interpreters  and  translators  for  the  large  numbers  of  litigants  with
                       language access barriers
                   •  Partnering with the Clerk of Court to embrace technology, including online calendars and
                   •  Partnering with the Human Resources Authority to provide two peer support specialists to
                       assist people applying for mental health services
                   •  Working with domestic violence advocates to assist survivors with related civil filings
                   •  Providing forms and referring people to the library for computer access
                   •  Building a Legal Help Access Point in the Yenni building in Jefferson Parish
                   •  Participating in the Louisiana Court Administrators Association to share ideas for court
                       improvements across the state
               Effective Triage and Referral: Amanda Brown, Lagniappe Law Lab

                   •  Advancing efforts towards a “no wrong door” approach.
                   •  Lagniappe  Law  Lab  and  the  LSBA  are  collaborating  in  efforts  that  combine  building
                       effective technology with building partnerships in the community.
                          o  The Civil Legal Navigator is technology created by Lagniappe Law Lab and the
                              Louisiana Bar Foundation that has a user-friendly interface and that allows people

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