Page 131 - BOGmanual_2023april
P. 131
Prioritizing Exercise and Discussion
Conclave participants were asked to take an informal vote on the potential activities that emerged
from the small group discussion. The vote was meant to inform the discussion, not to dictate next
steps. The results of the vote indicated the following initial top-three choices for activities to focus
• Do community needs assessment/listening sessions (as later amended through discussion)
• Use librarian training as template for expansion to other community partners
• Tied for third:
o Arrange for cross-access between legal navigator and 211
o Engage in major marking campaign, including social media
The results spurred a wide-ranging discussion about the pros and cons of various potential
activities as well as a further refining of ideas. For example, further discussion clarified that the
goal for the community needs assessment could and should focus on collecting all the various
sources of information that already exist regarding community needs and resources, including but
not limited to the findings from the recent JFA community listening sessions.