Page 132 - BOGmanual_2023april
P. 132

Outcomes, Next Steps and Commitments

               By the end of the conclave, participants had agreed to the following priority activities. The Access
               to  Justice  Commission  will  oversee  further  vetting,  development,  and  implementation  of  the
               priorities that emerged in partnership with willing partners in the room and others identified. Next
               steps will include:

                   •  Understanding community needs
                           o  Sharing information already collected with and among conclave participants and
                              the Access to Justice Commission:
                                  ▪  LSBA will share data from the JFA community listening sessions
                                  ▪  Lagniappe Law Lab will share navigator analytics
                                  ▪  Southeast Louisiana Legal Services will share recent legal needs study
                           o  The ATJ Commission will ensure that the information is consolidated and shared.
                    •  Expanding community education trainings

                           o  Based  on  the  information  collected  regarding  community  needs,  the  ATJ
                              Commission will create a specific community education and prevention plan and
                              goals,  likely  in  coordination  with  the  Legal  Help  Access  Points  already  being
                              developed through the JFA plan.
                           o  Part of the community education and prevention plan will likely include using the
                              librarian  training  as  a  template  for  expanding  to  other  service  providers  and
                              incorporating the legal checkup tool developed for Tulane.
                           o  In creating the plan, the ATJ Commission may want to consider starting with one
                              substantive  area  (e.g.,  consumer  debt)  and/or  one  type  of  service  provider  or
                              partner (e.g., Prosperity Centers).
                           o  The plan could also include a listening session with librarians regarding how the
                              existing trainings are working and what changes or additional resources could be
                    •  Follow-up on potential partnership with United Way and legal aid
                           o  Create a working group with United Way, Lagniappe Law Lab, LSBA, legal aid,
                              and any other volunteers to discuss opportunities to increase efficient sharing of
                              information, databases, and cross-trainings regarding legal and non-legal services
                              and referrals.
                           o  The  working  group  will  create  an  achievable  plan  with  goals  for  increasing
                              effective collaboration in this area.

                 2023 ACCESS TO JUSTICE CONCLAVE NOTES                                                    10
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