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Fridays which will include online training for public interest
attorneys throughout the year. Completed the first Justice
Friday event on October 22, 2021 followed by November 5 and
November 12 dates planned. Our 2022 Spring Justice Fridays
series launched on May 20th to June 17th. The series
consisted of 4 Justice Fridays training days and each training
day offered 3 hours of CLE credit. The events were held in-
person and online in the following cities, Lafayette, Baton
Rouge, and New Orleans.Training event held in collaboration
with the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and
Emergency Preparedness in Baton Rouge. Justice Fridays will
take the place of the 2022 Justice Conference. This year we
will host a cross-training Disaster Law Collaboration Summit in
its stead funded by Southeast Louisiana Legal Services
through LSC.
Provide targeted training throughout the year on public interest
legal issues
• Facilitated the 2019 Substantive Law Training Series for
Public Interest attorneys, providing CLEs in-person and
via simulcast. Recorded trainings and made available
online through the LSBA Vimeo page and ProBono.Net.
Trainings with materials on Family Law, Domestic
Violence, Successions, Social Security Disability,
Consumer and Bankruptcy are currently available.
● 2020 Substantive law series included FEMA training
following Hurricane Laura for civil legal aid and volunteer
attorneys and created 8 training videos and
corresponding training manuals for civil legal aid and
volunteer attorneys on issues arising from COVID-19,
including evictions and family law.
● In partnership with legal aid attorneys, district and city
court judges, LSBA past-president Barry Grodsky, and
the Lafayette Bar Association, hosted multiple virtual
training sessions and CLEs on the new eviction laws
under the Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security Act. Sessions were attended by over
160 judges and Justices of the Peace and recordings
were made available for those that could not livestream.
● Hosted a CLE in Aug. 2020 on Re-entry Legislative
Updates attended by DOC, DA offices, PD offices,
legislative offices, advocates, and members of the
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