Page 68 - BOGManual_2023January
P. 68

Family Law, Housing and Consumer Law, Public Benefits)
                                                   ●  Completed presentations and recordings of substantive
                                                       law series training for new or transitioning civil legal aid
                                                   ●  Coordinate and convene quarterly meetings for the 5
                                                       statewide substantive law task forces to discuss
                                                       common issues faced and training needs. Work with
                                                       each Task Force to host practice area specific training
                                                       annually at LA Justice Community Conference.
                                                   ●  Ongoing development of substantive law trainings with
                                                       task forces for the substantive law recorded training
                                                       series geared towards new attorneys, the new Justice
                                                       Friday CLE trainings have been incorporated into this
                                            o  Investigate IFP issues
                                                   •  Surveyed the legal providers regarding common issues
                                                       faced with misapplication of IFP statutes and used
                                                       research to substantiate LSLI request to examine.
                                                   •  With approval of BOG was able to get Louisiana
                                                       Legislature (House and Senate) to adopt resolutions
                                                       requesting LSLI to examine current IFP statutes.
                                                   •  ATJ Commission members will participate in Louisiana
                                                       State Law Institute meeting scheduled mid-January to
                                                       discuss IFP issues

                                                   •  As stated above, the ATJ Commission chair obtained
                                                       input from IFP Committee members as LSLI revised IFP
                                                       statutes and sent a bill with those revisions to the
                                                       legislature. The bill did not move through the legislature
                                                       because of the truncated session due to COVID. The bill
                                                       has been filed for the 2021 Regular Session, and it
                                                       addressed changes that support the work of civil legal
                                                       aid advocates.
                                     ▪  Partner with Louisiana Bar Foundation to launch Legal Navigator
                                            o  Collaborated with Louisiana Bar Foundation to submit a Justice
                                                For All grant application. If received, the funding will support the
                                                assessment of civil legal aid and social services resources in
                                                Louisiana. This assessment will later be used in developing the
                                                LBF’s Legal Navigator.
                                            o  The Louisiana ATJ Commission was awarded a Justice For All
                                                (JFA) grant, a project housed by the National Center for State

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