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o  The YLD created a worksheet for the public with tips and
                                                resources dealing with a disaster in the wake of Hurricane Ida;
                                                this free worksheet was publicized on all social media
                                            o  Following Hurricane Ida, social media was used to publicize
                                                President’s Messages with resources for members, valuable
                                                information from the Supreme Court, and important disaster-
                                                related links.
                                            o  Photos of Judge Scott Schlegel were posted on social media
                                                when he was awarded the 26th Annual William H. Rehnquist
                                                Award for Judicial Excellence by the National Center for State
                                            o  The 2021 “Lawyers in Libraries” program was promoted with
                                                pictures of volunteer attorneys at events throughout the state.
                                            o  Photos of Judy Perry Martinez were posted on social media
                                                when she was inducted into the Warren E. Burger Society by
                                                the National Center for State Courts.
                                            o  The CAC “Day of Service” was promoted with photos of
                                                volunteer attorneys gutting houses in Pointe-Aux-Chenes.
                                            o  Photos from seven YLD “Wills for Heroes” events across the
                                                state were posted between January-May, 2022.
                                            o  Photos of several Access to Justice events were posted to
                                                social media, including community meetings about the “Justice
                                                for All” grant, the Criminal Justice Summit, a cultural
                                                competency training for law school students, a CLE on pro
                                                bono opportunities, and photos from the latest “Justice Fridays”
                                            o  A graphic was posted congratulating the winners of the virtual
                                                2022 High School Mock Trial Competition and thanking all the
                                                volunteer lawyers and judges who participated.
                                            o  Photos were posted highlighting the 2022 YLD Award
                                            o  Photos were posted highlighting the 2022 Pro Bono Publico
                                                and Children’s Law Award recipients.
                                            o  An Instagram account was created for the YLD to showcase
                                                Wills for Heroes events and other community service
                                                completed by the Division.
                                            o  Photos of the 2022 LSBA Awards presentations at Annual
                                                Meeting were posted to social media.
                                            o  Photos of volunteers for the 2022 Suit Up for the Future
                                                Program were posted to social media, and a news segment
                                                featuring the coordinators.
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